What is a crime against humanity? According to the regulations, genocide, shooting prisoners of war, murder, scorching the earth and using prohibited weapons (chemical and biological weapons) are crimes against humanity and are regarded as war criminals. Japan has many marshals and generals who have committed crimes against humanity. They carried out the Nanjing Massacre, the Jinan Massacre and the 73 1 human experiment, using chemical and biological weapons. All six marshals committed crimes against humanity, but they were treated as prisoners of war, such as Shintaro Ishihara and Shinichi Shimonoseki.
There are more German marshals than Japanese marshals. Only Manstein, Heinrich, Lubbers, Schneider, von Boone and Deng Nici are prisoners of war, and the rest are war criminals. Only General guderian and others are war criminals. I think there are fewer German war criminals than Japanese because there are more fugitives.