Chen Fan, a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty, lived alone in one room when he was young, and his courtyard was filthy. Qin Xue criticized him: "Why didn't the obedient son sweep the guests?" Chen Fan replied: "When a man is a man, he should sweep the world and live in a room?" Qin Xue immediately retorted: "How can we sweep the world without sweeping a house?"
It lets us know that everything should start from bit by bit. We can see a person's quality and morality from bit by bit, show a person's comprehensive quality and self-restraint from bit by bit, and see our future life from bit by bit.
Therefore, when you do everything, no matter how small, you should take it seriously and deal with it.
If you can be reasonable and perfect in a small matter, then when you do something big, the advantages of dealing with people will be clear at a glance.
Therefore, we should form a good habit from now on, let this good habit run through our life and let this good habit become our way of life. Even when sweeping the floor, we should carefully sweep every corner, which is like taking the first step in life.
Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement; The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with morality.
"Heaven is powerful, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement" means that heaven and earth never stop running, and as a man, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement and stand tall. A moment of disappointment does not mean that you can be disheartened. "Heroes have nowhere to live" can only be an excuse for cowards who are unable to fight! "If you eat hard, you are a master." "If the sky wants to descend to Sri Lanka, it must first suffer its will, practice its bones and muscles, starve its skin and empty its body." The reason is also to show that a person's success is definitely not accidental. If people don't experience twists and turns, how can they be "unafraid in a crisis and take it by surprise?" Of course, success can only be illusory if you are satisfied with the status quo and mediocrity. Born of worry; Die peacefully. How can I see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?
Therefore, when we are frustrated frequently and struggle all day but find ourselves still at a low ebb, we should always remember that "a gentleman strives for self-improvement". Perhaps success is only one step away from us. Hold on a little, and you'll be successful soon!
I think, in the cycle of heaven and earth, nothing is doomed. But as long as you are alive and breathing, there is hope of victory!
Living is for a hope, and living is a process of realizing hope.