When the moon was bright in the Qin Dynasty, the Yellow River and the blue sky were rolling, and the strong man's broken wrist and iron horse rolled out of Chang 'an, and the standard was half rolled. The daughter is soft-hearted, the man is brave, and the warm-blooded man is dressed up. The desert is boundless and the rivers and lakes are far away. The stormy night is like a rock, and the beauty tears, and the world is a husband's shoulder. The wind and rain are endless. Love mountains and rivers in life and death, princes and princes will meet.
Affectionate, Wan Li is in danger, and it is more difficult to stay in business than to start a business. In Qin Dynasty, the bright moon was in the sky, the Yellow River was rolling in the blue sky, and the strong man's sword and iron standard rolled out of Chang 'an, and her daughter was timid.
Lyrics of "Forget Me", the ending song of "Son of Man";
It's not that I don't know the beauty of the countryside, I don't know the beauty of the countryside, I don't know the ancient well in my heart, I don't know the world of mortals, I don't just paint a long river of smoke, I don't just like singing iron horses, I just forget me. A wild crane in the idle clouds, in the grass, caring about my home country, can have a few beats in my life, forget me.
Pastoral in piccolo, geometry of life, geometry of mountains and rivers, forgive my choice in this life. It's not that I don't know the love affair, the beauty of my country, the beauty of flowers, the beauty of my country, the lack of waves in my heart, my inability to see through the world of mortals, my love of singing iron horses.