It is true that finding implicit meaning is one of the techniques of refutation.
Any argument that wants to convince you has seemingly perfect reasons, but the stated reasons are not the only ideas used to support your conclusion. There are some inner things that are not stated, but Also very important.
In all arguments, there are some ideas that the author takes for granted. Because they are taken for granted, they are generally not stated explicitly. However, this part of the content is often the glue of the entire reasoning structure and is derived from reasons. The premise of the conclusion, that is to say, the reason must be sufficient to deduce the conclusion. Only by finding these contents can we truly understand this argument process.
For example, regarding their children's academic performance, some parents believe: "You have to be number one in the class to have a way out." If parents have such an implicit assumption, they will be very concerned about their children's performance. , "Judge children based on their grades", even if the child takes second place in the class, it is still a failure.
But there are also some parents who believe that: all roads lead to Rome, and if you are good at 360, you will be the number one scholar. Children do not necessarily need to be first in the class, but they need to have a certain skill. Such parents will not care too much about their children's overall scores, but will pay attention to their children's scores in a certain subject.
Some parents believe that grades are not important, so don’t put too much pressure on your children, just be happy. In modern society, you will never be hungry no matter what you do in the future. Such parents will not only not urge their children to study hard, but may also pay special attention to letting their children play.
We do not evaluate which "implicit assumption" is correct here. Each "implicit assumption" has its reasons.