Mussolini: Where can I learn gentleness, school, family or in the world? He promoted fascism and ruled Italy as a dictatorship. In fact, he learned it from steel. He was a member of the Second International, Lena Met him.
Goebbels: A lie told a thousand times becomes the truth! Support the Nazi’s iron-fisted rule.
Napoleon: How my life is like a novel! (His last words) He was a weirdo who made his fortune through the French Revolution, but became emperor in violation of the theory of democratic revolution. He won two games when he was lucky, but lost everything in the end. His son may have been poisoned by his father-in-law, and his younger brother Lu Xi'an is more capable than him. His mother's famous saying is: I hope everything lasts forever. Xenophon's "The Long March", an Athenian army of 10,000 people fought in the heart of the Persian Empire. After their commander and important military officers were snared and killed, Xenophon led them through 3,500 miles and broke through the heavy siege of the Persian army. Return to Greece almost intact