Paying attention to small changes early will help you adapt to the larger changes to come. Countless changes in personnel and affairs are gestated in the embryo of time. Countless changes in personnel and affairs are gestated in the embryo of time. ———— Shakespeare
The situation is constantly changing. To adapt your thoughts to the new situation, you have to learn. ____Mao Zedong "Change is the justice of the world" Liang Qichao
Three days after the incident, we should look at each other with new eyes!
Respond to all changes by remaining unchanged!
The situation is constantly changing. To adapt your thoughts to the new situation, you have to learn.
Author: Mao Zedong
The only thing that remains unchanged in the world is the truth that "everything is constantly changing."
Author: Sri Lanka "The Sun"
"Embracing change" is of course not my original idea, it is just my current mentality. If you dare not embrace change, you will not be able to live in the current situation. achieve something in a changing world.