I. Original text
1, Confucius said: always learn, don't you? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Isn't he a completely moral person? Although people may not pay attention to him, he won't feel uneasy. Ceng Zi said: I visit three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others? Don't believe in making friends? Can you pass it on? Confucius said: Nine times out of ten, I am determined to learn. Standing at 30, not confused at 40, knowing destiny at 50, obeying at 60, obeying at 70, and not overstepping the bounds.
2, Confucius: review the old and know the new, you can be a teacher. Confucius said: learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous. Confucius said: Xian Zai, come back! A spoonful of food, a spoonful of drink, in the mean lane, people can't bear their worries, and they won't change their fun when they go back. Hyun-jae, come back! Confucius said: Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy.
3, Confucius said: eat less and drink more, bend your arms and pillow it, and enjoy it. Unjust wealth is like a cloud to me. Confucius said: In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose the good and follow it, change the bad. Zi said in Sichuan: the deceased is like a husband, not giving up day and night. Confucius said: the three armed forces can win the handsome, but ordinary people can't win the ambition.
Second, translation.
1, Confucius said: Isn't it pleasant to learn knowledge and then review it? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? People don't know me, but I'm not angry. Am I not a person with moral cultivation? Ceng Zi said: I reflect every day: Have you tried your best for others? Is it honest and trustworthy to associate with friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher?
2. Confucius said, "I became interested in learning when I was fifteen. At the age of thirty, I can do things independently. At the age of forty, I don't have to be confused. At the age of fifty, I learned what human resources can't control. Sixty years old, I can listen to different opinions. At the age of seventy, I can do whatever I want without overstepping the bounds. "
3. Confucius said: If you review what you have learned, you can gain new understanding and experience from it, then you can become a teacher by virtue of this. Confucius said: Learning without thinking is a waste of time and you are at a loss. Dreaming without reading will fill your heart with doubts and opinions.
Relevant knowledge of The Analects of Confucius
1, to understand the basic structure of The Analects. The Analects of Confucius consists of twenty articles, each of which has several chapters, and each chapter is a dialogue or record. The contents of these dialogues and records are mainly Confucius' words and deeds, as well as his exchanges and discussions with his disciples.
2. We should master the core idea of The Analects of Confucius, that is, the ideological system of Confucius. Confucius' ideological system can be summarized into five aspects: benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith. Among them, "benevolence" is the core of Confucius' thought, which emphasizes the care and mutual assistance between people and the respect and cherish of life.
We should know some important concepts and terms in The Analects. For example, "gentleman" refers to a person with virtue, wisdom and grace; "Little people" refer to ignorant, rude and immoral people; "The Doctrine of the Mean" refers to the impartial and just right state; "Rite" refers to social norms and moral standards; "Righteousness" refers to the truth and responsibility of being a man.