Filial piety is the foundation of virtue. Filial piety is the virtue based on filial piety. When people cultivate morality in their hearts, they will naturally turn it into rituals externally.
Being polite means respecting others. No disrespect.
If people are polite, they will be safe; if they are rude, they will be in danger. Therefore, it is said that etiquette must be learned.
Etiquette is an understanding and phonetic character. The "ritual" of Xiaozhuan means that etiquette is shown, and the person showing it is also the god's position. The song is the coin in the basket; the bean is the common people in the vessel. It is laid to serve the gods, and it is scattered to teach the people. The original meaning of "Li" is to perform rituals and offer sacrifices to gods to pray for blessings. Using precious utensils to offer sacrifices expresses gratitude and respect to "Heaven". Later, etiquette became the rule of communication between people and the norm of human behavior. The core of etiquette is the word "respect". Confucius said that being polite means respecting others.
A person should be able to bear grievances and respect others everywhere. The etiquette should be done with moderation. It is disrespectful to do more or less. That is to say, to be clean and self-respecting, to know how to use moderation and harmony, to restrain oneself and restrain desires, not to be involved in adultery, to correct one's mind, and to govern things with virtue. If society is polite, it will be in order. The Analects of Confucius tells us that when a person interacts with others, if his words are not solemn, he will lose his dignity. People must insult themselves and others insult them. That is, as long as we insult ourselves, we will inevitably be despised and disrespected by others. Confucius emphasized that students should "learn about etiquette", use the social norms of etiquette to restrain their words and deeds, and be able to achieve the state of "see nothing if it is not etiquette, hear nothing if it is not etiquette, say nothing if it is not etiquette, and do not do anything if it is not etiquette". If you want to love others, you must first love yourself. To gain respect from others, you must first pay attention to etiquette, maintain good behavioral norms, and respect others. We must follow it in everything from our country's diplomacy to every aspect of our daily life.