Have strong team spirit, enthusiasm for work, strong expression skills, worked part-time in work-study program, and actively participated in activities.
The so-called incorruptibility originally means being pure and unsullied, pure and unscrupulous. The "Zhou Li Xiaozai Notes" explains: Integrity means being pure and not being filthy. Integrity is the foundation of cleanliness, without integrity there is impurity. Nowadays, people usually understand integrity as not harming the interests of others, the collective and the country, and not seeking things that do not belong to oneself.
The so-called self-discipline means self-restraint, self-control, and not indulging one's own desires and behaviors. It is a non-mandatory and conscious behavior. The former is a kind of ethics and morality, and the latter is a kind of cultivation and ability. The two are mutual conditions, cause and effect, complement each other, and jointly promote people's moral perfection.
Famous quotes about integrity and self-discipline:
1. An honest person is always happy without seeking anything, and a greedy person is always worried about lack.
2. It’s not my property, even if I don’t take any of it.
3. Looking at the virtuous countries and families in the past, success was achieved through diligence and frugality, and failure was caused by luxury.
4. Integrity is tempered and a sweet life comes from struggle.
5. Build projects with integrity and build self-discipline in life.
6. Be careful in your words and deeds. Be upright and upright, and be honest and clean.
7. The alarm bell is ringing to promote integrity and anti-corruption, emphasize ethics and self-discipline, resist corruption and prevent degeneration.
8. Only by being honest can you gather people, by being disciplined can you convince others, by being upright can you lead others, and only by being selfless can you move people.
9. A wise man uses the painful lessons of others to warn himself; a fool uses his own heavy price to awaken others.
10. Be fair in dealing with things and be fair-minded; be honest in self-discipline and be honest in dealing with others; be sincere in dealing with others and be trustworthy; be diligent in work and be effective in doing so.