Eight etiquette: the etiquette of appearance, the etiquette of eating and drinking, the etiquette of speaking, the etiquette of treating others, the etiquette of walking, the etiquette of viewing, the etiquette of sightseeing and the etiquette of ceremony.
Four rituals: entrance ceremony, growth ceremony, youth ceremony, adult ceremony.
1. The Eight Etiquettes and Four Etiquettes are civilized etiquette education carried out among minors to cultivate minors to practice the core socialist values.
2. The specific content of the Eight Rituals and Four Etiquettes:
(1) The Eight Etiquettes
Appearance etiquette: neat face, decent clothing, natural hairstyle, and generous manners .
Catering etiquette: pay attention to hygiene, cherish food, eat frugally, and eat elegantly.
Talk etiquette: use civilized language, be calm, listen patiently, be sincere and friendly.
Rituals for treating others: respect teachers, be friendly to partners, be tolerant and courteous, and treat others with integrity.
Walking etiquette: abide by traffic rules, give way to others, help the elderly and the weak, and give up your seat proactively.
The etiquette of viewing: observe order, care for the environment, appreciate with concentration, and cheer politely.
Tourism etiquette: treat the landscape well, protect cultural relics, respect folk customs, and abide by public ethics.
Ritual etiquette: perform rituals according to the rules, be in awe, be serious and solemn, and respect etiquette and customs.
(2) Siyi
7 years old: Entrance ceremony, allowing newly enrolled primary school students to experience the fun of learning, get in touch with campus life, and perceive etiquette norms.
10 years old: A rite of passage for students in the third to fourth grade of primary school to learn to be grateful, share, and understand the upbringing of their parents, the teaching of their teachers, and the help of their friends.
14 years old: The youth ritual requires middle school students to learn to communicate, control their emotions, tolerate others, and take the first step towards youth.
18 years old: The coming-of-age ceremony allows students over 18 years of age to understand the responsibilities of adults, to be law-abiding citizens, to assume social responsibilities, to constantly improve themselves, and to be determined to serve the country.
3. Eight Rites and Four Etiquettes Famous Quotes
(1) In terms of etiquette, harmony is the most valuable. "Spring and Autumn" Confucius.
(2) Without rules, it is difficult to achieve perfection. Report picking.
(3) The reason why etiquette prevents immorality is to restrain extravagance. "Han" Ban Gu.
(4) If you know a little about Confucius’ three-point etiquette, you will not violate Xiao He’s six-foot rule. "Ming Dynasty" Tang Xianzu.
(5) Don’t look at anything that’s not polite, don’t listen to anything that’s not polite, don’t say anything that’s not polite, and don’t do anything that’s not polite. "Spring and Autumn" Confucius.
(6) Courtesy should be reciprocated: it is impolite to go but not come; it is impolite to come but not go. "Book of Rites".