Most important things in the world are done by people who keep trying when it seems hopeless. -Dale Carnegie (1888- 1955)
I am convinced that the laws of the universe will be beautiful and simple. -Albert Einstein (1879- 1955)
* He knows the universe, not himself. -Jean Delafontaine (162 1-95)
* We are born fragile and we need strength; Helpless, we need help; Stupid, we need reasons. What we lack at birth and what we need when we come to human society are all gifts of education. -Jean-jean-jacques rousseau (17 12-78)
* X plus y plus z equals success, x is work, y is play, and z is tight-lipped. -Albert Einstein (1879- 1955)
Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis that is most suitable for opening the way to the next better working hypothesis. -Konrad zacarias Lorenz (1903-89)
* Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is an organized life. -Emmanuel Kant (1724- 1804)
* The only way to find the possible limits is to go beyond them and become impossible. -Arthur C (Hares) Clark (1917-): 2001
Speaking of love and skill, expect a masterpiece. -john ruskin (18 19- 1900), it is always beneficial for both sides to switch between any two places naturally and usually without coercion or restriction. Adam? 9? Smith: A rich country.
* Keep trying to do the important things in the world, and most of those who seem hopeless have already finished. -Carnegie Valley (1888- 1955)
I am convinced that the laws of the universe will be beautiful and simple. -Albert Einstein (1879- 1955)
* He knows the universe, but he doesn't know himself. Jane? 9? 9 De La Fontaine (162 1-95) We were born weak and we need strength; There is nothing we can do, we need help; Fool, we need a reason. When we were born, we lacked everything. When we arrived at People's Manor, we lacked an educational gift. -Jean-jean-jacques rousseau (17 12-78)
* x plus y plus z adds up to success. X is at work, Y is playing, Z is playing, shut up. -Albert Einstein (1879- 1955)
* Truth in science can be defined as the most appropriate and feasible hypothesis, which opens the way for the next better hypothesis. -Konrad zacarias Lorenz (1903-89)
* Science is organizational knowledge. Wisdom is organized for life. -Emmanuel Kant (1724- 1804)
* The only way to find the limit may be to enter the impossible beyond the limit. -Arthur C (Hares) Clark (19 17-): The Lost World 200 1.