1. The sting of a reproach is the truth of it. The sting of a reproach is the truth of it.
2. He that does what he should not, shall feel what he would not. If you do something you shouldn't do, you will feel what you don't want to have.
3. All mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good. Those who do good will be remembered by everyone.
4. It’s the easiest thing in the world for a manto deceive himself.
5. It’s easier to prevent bad habits than to breakthem.
6. How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults. or resolution enough to mend them! Admitting and correcting mistakes requires enough courage and determination.
7. Trick and treachery are the practice if fools; they have not wit enough to be honest. p>8. Let our fathers and grandfathers be respected for their goodness, ourselves for our own. Let our fathers and grandfathers be respected for their goodness, ourselves for our own.
9. Thirst after desert, not reward. Thirst after desert, not reward.
10. If you injure conscience, it will have its revenge on thee. If you injure conscience, you will be severely punished by conscience.
11. None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error.
12. If you do what you should not, you must hear what you would not.
13. An honest man will receive neither money norpraise; that is not his due.
14. The honest man takes pains, and then enjoys pleasure.
15. Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. Virtue and happiness are like mother and daughter.
16. A bad workman always blames his tools.
17. Sloth turneth the edge of wit. Sloth turneth the edge of wit.
18. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.
19. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessaryretreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it whenyoung, it will give us no shade when we grow old. Knowledge can make us comfortable in old age. The earth retreats and has something to rely on; but if it is not rooted in youth, it will not be protected in old age.
20. Life is a pure flame, and we live by aninvisible sun within us. Life is a pure flame, and we live by the invisible sun within us.
21. A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy his crimes.
22. Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.
23. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
24. Virtue never grows old. Virtue never grows old.
25. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
26. A lazy youth, a lousy age. A lazy youth will suffer in old age.
27. Learning makes a good man better and ill manworse. Knowledge can make a good man better and a bad man worse.
28. There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade.
29. Patience and application will carry us through. Patience and application will carry us through.
30. A good healthy body is worth more a crown ingold. A healthy body is worth more than a crown made of gold. 31. You have to be first, best or different. You have to be first, best or different.
32. Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive, you should feel 100 percent confident. Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive, you should feel 100 percent confident. 33. There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. 34. Be confident, not arrogant. ------PA TeacherMiss Tan Be confident, but don't be arrogant. 35. I believe i can fly. I believe I can fly. 36.Outstanding leaders goout of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.---Sam WaltonOutstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. ---Sam Walton Be amazed at what you can do. 37. Whatever good thingswe build end up building us. ----Jim Rohn Whatever good things we build end up building us. ----Jim Rohn 38. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.--Maxwell MaltzLack of self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.--Maxwell Maltz 39. Self-confidence and self-reliance are themainstays of a strong character. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. A bad workman alwaysblames his tools. He can't punt a strange bend in the river. A faithful friend is hard to find. A faithful friend is hard to find. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 1. Pain past is pleasure. (Pain in the past is pleasure)
2. While there is life, there is hope.
3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
p>4.Storms make trees take deeper roots.
(storms make trees take deep roots.)
5.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
(Anything the heart desires can be achieved.) [If you stick to a simple belief, you will definitely succeed.
6. The shortest answer is doing.
(The shortest answer is doing.)
7. All things are difficult before they are easy.
(Everything must be difficult first and then easy.)
8. Great hopes make great man. (Great ideals create great people.)
9. God helps those who help themselves. (God helps those who help themselves.)
10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successfulindividuals above the crowd: a little bit more.
11. In doing we learn. (Practice makes you talented.)
12. East or west, home is best. (East or west is good, home is best.)
13. Two heads are better than one. (Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.)
14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut. (Good company on the road is the shortest cut.)
15. Constant dropping wears the stone. (Drip of water wears the stone.)
16. Misfortunes never come alone/single. (Misfortunes never come alone.)
17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. (One does not know fortune without suffering.)
18. Better late than never. (Better late than never; better late than never.)
19. It’s never too late to mend. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. (If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well.)
21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (No great achievements can be achieved without enthusiasm.)
22. Actions speak louder than words. (Actions speak louder than words.)
23. Lifeless, faultless. (Only the dead do not make mistakes.)
24. From small beginning come great things. (Greatness begins from small.)
25. One today is worth two tomorrows. (One today is worth two tomorrows.)
26. Truth never fears investigation. (Truth never fears investigation.)
27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.
28. A bold attempt is half success. (A brave attempt is half success.)
29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.
(Excellent in all kinds of arts but specialized in one thing.)
30. Good advice is beyond all price. (Advice is priceless.)
Can you add some points, thank you