1. The ten sages of Confucius are: Ziyuan, Ziqian, Boniu, Zhonggong, Ziyou, Zigong, Zilu, Ziwo, Ziyou and Zixia;
< p> 2. This statement was not made by a certain person, but was named after the ten disciples in the "Advanced Chapter" of "The Analects": "Those who follow me from Chen and Cai are not as good as the disciples. Virtue: Yan Hui , Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong. Language: Zaiwo, Zigong. Literature: Ziyou, Zixia.The Ten Philosophers of Confucius are also called the Ten Philosophers of the Four Subjects. It refers to the ten early scholars of the Chinese Confucian school, all of whom were disciples of Confucius. They were divided into four categories: "virtue", "speech", "political affairs" and "literature". A person sitting in a statue of Confucius deserves to be honored by the ancestors, who are called the Ten Philosophers. Zeng Shen was famous for his filial piety and had a special statue of Zeng Zi sitting among the ten philosophers.