There is such a wise saying that has been very popular from ancient times to the present. This famous saying is: "The person who is close to the vermilion is red, and the person who is close to the ink is black." If you want to become excellent, you must surround yourself with more excellent people. If you interact with people who have incorrect views for a lot of time, you will become that kind of person.
Only when you are with outstanding people can you have the opportunity to see every detail of their lives. Whether it is their work and rest time or their unique behavior, it will have great educational significance for us. . Many of the industry leaders we see today have stated in their autobiographies that the reason why they were successful was because they learned a lot from their predecessors in that industry.
Everyone knows Zeng Guofan. He was a famous writer and military strategist in the Qing Dynasty. Zeng Guofan achieved many achievements in his life, but as everyone knows, he was relatively stupid in his early years. When he was thirteen years old, he memorized a 300-word article in his room. Three hundred words is not a lot. Most people can memorize it in an hour, but Zeng Guofan still couldn't memorize it after three or four hours. There was a thief on the roof of his house at that time. Even the thief couldn't stand listening anymore. He was really impatient and jumped down and recited this article. The thief told Zeng Guofan that he was not good at studying and should give up as soon as possible.
In addition, the celebrities of Zeng Guofan's contemporaries were basically relatively smart. They all passed the scholar examination when they were teenagers. Zeng Guofan took the scholar examination seven times. It can be seen that Zeng Guofan was indeed not smart enough in his early years, so why did he succeed later?
This is about his diligence and studiousness. He always likes to associate with famous masters and has learned a lot of experience from them. Then he constantly corrected his shortcomings and polished his character, so that he could later become famous overseas. Looking back on his life, he can be summed up in the following three words: getting up early, being patient and persevering. Those who are struggling for their dreams at this moment must remember it!
First, get up early.
Speaking of getting up early, I guess many people now get up very late in the morning. Some people don’t even eat breakfast and just sleep until noon. Or they wake up early and just don’t want to get up. I have to stay in bed and get up very late. Although this kind of behavior is relatively common, the editor still recommends that everyone get up early. The time in the morning is relatively precious. The time when the human brain is most awake is also half an hour after getting up in the morning. Learning efficiency is very high at this time. Furthermore, people who often get up early must be very diligent in doing things, and can also prevent themselves from laziness.
Second, be patient.
Nowadays, many people cannot persist in doing things. They always become impatient after doing it for a while, then lose interest in it, and in the end they can only fail. In fact, many things are like this. Everyone will feel the novelty at the beginning, but it will gradually disappear over time. The most rare thing is to be able to endure your own temper. Don't just do it because you think it's troublesome. You can do it if others can't. This is the difference between you and others. Over time, you will definitely gain more than others.
Third, there is permanence.
This is the problem of persistence. It is very important to be able to persevere in doing something. Just like Zeng Guofan, if he did not have perseverance, how could he catch up with others? He was not as smart as others. , if he pays less than others, how will he achieve success in the future? Therefore, everyone must have the courage to persevere in doing things in the future. Don’t be afraid of hardship and be willing to endure hardship. Only by putting in several times the effort of others will you have more chances of success than others.
The above three words are most suitable to summarize Zeng Guofan’s life. If you are still chasing your dreams at this moment, you might as well learn these three words. Maybe it is because of these three words that you have not succeeded yet. I haven't done anything well yet. Finally, I wish everyone success as soon as possible.