This is too much
1. Mencius said: People have constant sayings, and they all say, "The world is a country." The foundation of the world lies in the country, the foundation of the country lies in the home, and the foundation of the family lies in the body. ’
2. Confucius said: A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds.
3. Mencius said: People do not do anything, and then they can do something.
4. Laozi said: He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise. He who conquers others is powerful, and he who conquers himself is strong. Those who are content are rich, and those who are ambitious are forced. He who does not lose his place will live long, and he who dies but does not die will live long.
5. Zisi said: If you hesitate, everything will be established; if you don’t hesitate, it will be destroyed. If you are determined before speaking, you will not be tired (jiá); if you are determined before doing it, you will not be sleepy; if you are determined before doing it, you will not feel guilty (jiǔ); if you are determined before the road, you will not be poor.
6. Zisi: The way of a gentleman is, for example, if you want to be far away, you must be close to yourself (ěr); if you climb high, you must humble yourself.
7. Confucius said: The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will.
8. Confucius said: The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear.
9. Confucius said: Aspire to the Tao, base yourself on virtue, rely on benevolence, and wander in art.
10. Zisi said: Learn it extensively, interrogate it, think carefully, discern it clearly, and practice it diligently.
11. Lu Buwei: Therefore, those who teach are those who have great righteousness; those who learn are those who have great knowledge. There is no greater righteousness than benefiting people, and no greater benefit to people than teaching; no greater knowledge than attainment, and nothing greater attainment than learning. ?
12. Confucius: Even though there are good delicacies to eat, one does not know its purpose; although one has the best knowledge, one does not know its goodness. This is why after learning, one realizes one’s shortcomings, and after teaching, one realizes one’s difficulties. If you know your shortcomings, you can then reflect on yourself; if you know your difficulties, you can then improve yourself. Therefore, it is said: "Teaching is mutually reinforcing." ?Dui Ming said: ?Learn half a lesson. ?
13. Confucius: If jade is not polished, it will not become a tool, and if people do not learn, they will not know. He is the ancient king who established the country and ruled the people, and teaching came first. It says: "The end of thinking is the beginning of learning." ?
14. Lu Buwei: According to the teachings of the former kings, there is no honor in filial piety and no loyalty in loyalty. Loyalty and filial piety are what everyone desires most. Showing honor is what a son and his ministers wish for.
15. Confucius said: Isn’t it a pleasure to learn and practice from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset? ?
16. Confucius said: If you review the past and learn the new, you can become a teacher.
17. Confucius said: Learning without thinking is in vain; thinking without learning is peril.
18. Confucius said: When you see a virtuous person, think about them all; when you see a virtuous person, you should introspect yourself.
19. Confucius said: Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy.
20. Confucius said: I know things silently, I am not tired of learning, I am not tired of teaching others, what is there for me!
21. Confucius said: When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones.
22. Lu Buwei: Anyone who learns must advance his or her career, and the mind has no camp. Recite quickly, listen carefully, observe and listen happily, ask the meaning of the book, listen to the ears and eyes, do not go against the will, withdraw from thinking, and seek happiness. The so-called, time to argue, to discuss the Tao;
23. Xunzi said: "You can't stop learning." Green comes from blue, and green comes from blue. Ice, water is made of it, but it is colder than water. I think about it all day long, and it is not as good as what I learned in a moment. A gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, then he will know clearly and act without mistakes. Therefore, he does not accumulate stumbling steps. There is no way to travel thousands of miles; there is no way to build a river or sea without accumulating small streams; if you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone; therefore, those who have no dark ambitions will not be enlightened; those who do not have twilight things will have no clear vision. Magnificent merits; the eyes cannot see clearly, the ears cannot hear both ears, and the manners of a gentleman and a gentleman are the same. ?