1. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means don't do what you don't want to be done to others. This sentence tells us to respect the feelings of others and not to do anything that hurts others.
2. It's not bad to learn from time to time. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means learning and practicing constantly. Isn't it pleasant? This sentence tells us that learning is a process of constant practice, and only by constant practice can we master knowledge.
3. It's a pleasure to have friends from afar. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that it is not very happy to have friends coming from afar. This sentence tells us that the distance between friends is not important, as long as there is sincere friendship, we can break the barrier of distance.
4. In a threesome, there must be a teacher. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that when three people walk together, there must be something I can learn from them. This sentence tells us that we can learn from others no matter what the occasion.
5, don't complain about the sky, especially others. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means not complaining about the weather or blaming others. This sentence tells us to learn to take our own responsibility, and don't pass it on to others.
6. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that knowing is better than liking, and liking is better than enjoying. This sentence tells us that knowing one thing does not necessarily make us feel satisfied, so we should like and enjoy life.
7. A gentleman means justice, while a villain means profit. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that people with morality pay attention to righteousness, while those without morality pay attention to interests. This sentence tells us to pay attention to our own character and morality, not just to pursue interests.
8. Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that if you study without thinking, you will know nothing, and if you think without learning, you will be in danger. This sentence tells us that learning should be combined with thinking in order to truly master knowledge.
9. Only women and villains are difficult to support. If you are near, you will be inferior, and if you are far away, you will complain. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you get close to them, you will become disrespectful, and if you stay away from them, you will resent you. This sentence tells us to avoid getting close to those who don't respect you.
1. Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also. This is a famous saying of Confucius, which means knowing that you don't know is knowing, and not knowing that you don't know is ignorance. This sentence tells us to learn to admit our ignorance and keep learning.