1. Confucius said: "If his body is upright, he can do it without being told; if his body is not upright, he can't do it even though he is told." - "The Analects of Confucius, Chapter 13 of Zilu"
This This is what Confucius put forward to the gentleman: When a person is upright and sets an example, others will follow suit without saying anything. On the contrary, if a person is not upright, others will not be convinced even if he gives repeated orders. his.
2. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do - "The Analects of Confucius - Chapter 2 of Yan Yuan"
Don't impose on others what you don't want to bear.
Inheriting some of Confucius’ hopes for gentlemen, “rectifying oneself” has always been an important moral and behavioral code.
Confucius emphasized that a gentleman should put himself first and lead by example. Behind this view is the Confucian spirit based on "benevolence". The so-called "Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you." ".
3. "Filial piety and brotherhood, is it the root of benevolence?" - "The Analects of Confucius" Lidu·Xueer"
It means: filial piety to parents, friendship to brothers , this is the foundation of benevolence. Xiao: filial piety to parents; Ti: friendship to brothers.
Benevolence is the core of Confucianism and the foundation of traditional Chinese cultural spirit. Confucius believed that benevolence can be divided into several levels, and its root lies in filial piety, because only by honoring parents and caring for brothers at home can benevolence be extended from family to society.
4. A gentleman is poor, but a villain is poor too - "The Analects of Confucius, Lord Wei Linggong"
A gentleman can stick to his inner integrity and integrity even when he is at the end of his road and frustrated. Duty, when villains are at the end of their rope and have no ambition, they will have wild ideas and act randomly.
“A gentleman is poor” is Confucius’ brief summary of a gentleman’s adherence to moral codes of conduct. At that time, Confucius and his party were out of food in the state of Chen, the students were sick, and everyone was in low spirits. Disciple Zilu said angrily to Confucius: "Can a gentleman with high moral standards end up in such poverty?" Confucius replied: "A gentleman will stick to his principles when he is in poverty; a villain will act recklessly when he is poor. This is the difference."
5. Confucius said: "Those who die without regrets are bound to fight against the fierce tiger Feng He. They must also be fearful in the face of trouble, and those who like to make plans." - "Shu Er"?
Confucius said: "I have nothing to do with people who fight tigers with bare hands, cross rivers without boats, and have no regrets even if they die. I will definitely do it with Tong Wo. People who are cautious when things happen and like to use their brains to come up with ideas to complete tasks.