Confucius If a gentleman wants to transform the people into customs, he must learn from them!
Confucius: If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if a person does not learn, he will not know. Therefore, the kings of ancient times put teaching first in establishing their country and their people.
Confucius is similar in nature but far apart in habits.
Confucius If you don’t learn enough, you are afraid of losing it.
Confucius Isn’t it great to learn and practice it from time to time?
Confucius was tireless in learning and tireless in teaching.
Confucius: Don’t worry about others but don’t know yourself; worry about not knowing others.
Confucius: If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.
Confucius: A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned.
Confucius was quick and eager to learn, and was not ashamed to ask questions.
Confucius: Three armies can seize the commander, but a single man cannot seize the will.
Confucius: When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither.
Confucius If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger.
Confucius was tireless in learning and tireless in teaching.
Confucius If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told.
Confucius: "The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen" A gentleman is ashamed of his words and goes beyond his actions.
Confucius: "The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang" I begin with others, listening to their words and trusting their actions. Now I am with people, listening to their words and watching their actions.
Confucius: "The Analects of Confucius Translation and Annotation" The year is cold, and then we know that the pines and cypresses will wither.
Confucius The Duke of Wei and Sun Chao asked Yu Zigong: "How did Zhongni learn it?" Zigong said: "The way of civil and military affairs has not fallen to the ground. Among people, wise men who recognize their greatness will not A wise man knows how to be a good person in civil and military affairs. How can he be a master if he doesn't learn from them?"
Confucius Yan Yuan sighed and said: "Looking up makes you taller, and drilling down makes you wiser. Jian, looking ahead, suddenly behind. Master is always good at tempting me, convincing me with words, and making appointments with courtesy. If I want to stop, I will exhaust my talents. If I have established an outstanding person, I will not follow him. That's it."
Confucius said: "How can you practice without thinking?"
Confucius The son of a whip does not follow his father's teachings.
Confucius’ family saying: Disregard the country of a thousand chariots, but value the faith of one word