An optimist sees a hope in a disaster, a pessimist sees a disaster in a hope - Britain
There is a half-glass of water on the table.
The pessimist says: The glass is only half-full!
The optimist says: The glass is still half full!
Faced with a half-full glass of water, different people have different opinions due to their different environments, moods, identities, cultivation, etc. Some people will be happy, satisfied, and lucky to have a half-glass of water, while others will be disappointed, dissatisfied, and frustrated because they only have a half-glass of water. Pessimists always see what has been lost and what is about to be lost, and they only see the negative side, so they have no chance of happiness; optimists, on the contrary, always think of what is about to be gained and possessed, not what has been lost. He is not sad for what he has lost, but is sincerely happy for what he can gain. He sees the positive side, so he is always happy.