"The Analects of Confucius·Zilu": "What you say must be true, and your deeds must bear fruit. You are just a villain."
This sentence originally came from "The Analects of Confucius·Zilu No. 13" Zi Conversation between Gong and Confucius. The original text is as follows:
Zigong asked: "How can one be called a scholar in this way?" Confucius said: "It is shameful to act in one's own way, and to serve in all directions without insulting the emperor's orders, one can be called a scholar."
Said: "I dare to ask the next step." Said: "The clan calls you filial piety, and the township party calls you brother."
Said: "I dare to ask the next step." Said: "You must keep your words and deeds. As a matter of fact, you are a villain!
Said: “What are the politicians like today? Confucius said: "Hey!" What's the point of a person who fights against rice? ”