Hu was born in Jinxi, Ming Dynasty. His family is poor. He works hard while teaching, and he can only eat and wear. Every evening, Hu will burn incense at the door of his house and make nine obeisances to heaven, thanking God for giving him a happy day. His wife smiled and said to him, "We have porridge for three meals a day. How can we be happy? "
Nonsense: "First of all, I am glad that I was born in an era of peace and prosperity, and there was no war disaster. I am also glad that our family can have food and clothing, so as not to be hungry and cold. The third thing is that there are no patients in the bed at home and no prisoners in the prison. If this is not a happy life, what is it? "
The second example of contentment: an ordinary life is the best.
Once upon a time, a seabird landed on the outskirts of the capital of Lu, and the monarch of Lu welcomed it into the ancestral temple and gave a banquet for it. It played the greatest music "Jiu Shao" in Shun Di period, and the food was the highest standard "Tai Zhai" for a banquet with all kinds of pigs, cattle and sheep.
Where have birds seen this kind of fighting? They were dazzled, frightened and sad. They dared not eat a piece of meat or drink a glass of wine, and died in three days. This is to raise birds according to your own habits, not according to your own habits. Birds used to live in the jungle, play in rivers and continents, float in rivers and lakes, feed on loaches and small fish, and live and rest freely with birds. They hate hearing people's voices, but they are fine now. Very noisy. How can you stand it?
The third story example of contentment: a contented farmer.
There is a farmer in Africa who is content with Changle. I am happy because I am satisfied, and I am satisfied because I am happy. One day, a wise man came to tell him how precious diamonds are and how much power they can bring him. If you own a diamond the size of a thumb, you can own your own city. A piece the size of a fist may have its own country. With that, he left.
The farmer couldn't sleep that night. He is unhappy because he is not satisfied, and he is not satisfied because he is unhappy. The next day, he made arrangements, sold the farm cheaply, bid farewell to his family and went looking for diamonds.
He searched all over Africa and found nothing. Then he searched all over Europe and found nothing. When he arrived in Spain, he was disheartened, exhausted and broke. He decided to commit suicide and jumped into the Barcelona River, but he didn't die.
When he got home, he saw that the man who bought his farm was bathing the camel by a stream flowing to the farm. On the other side of the stream, the morning sun shines on a stone and shines like a rainbow. It was so beautiful that he picked up the stone, took it home and put it in the living room. That afternoon, the wise man came again and saw the stone shining. He asked the farmer, "Did you get the gem back?" The farmer said, "Why do you ask?" He went on to say, "This is a diamond. I recognized it at a glance. "
The farmer said it was just a stone I picked up from the stream. Come on, I'll show you. There are many more. They went to the stream and picked up a lot to confirm. It turns out that those stones are really diamonds. Diamonds are everywhere on the farm.