Confucius's famous sayings:
Confucius said: If you aspire to be benevolent, there is no evil.
A gentleman will never violate his benevolence, and he will do so if he makes mistakes, and he will do so if he makes mistakes.
Benevolence is far away. I want to be benevolent, but this is the ultimate benevolence.
The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear.
Those who are virtuous must have words; those who have words do not need to be virtuous; those who are benevolent must be brave; those who are brave do not need to be benevolent.
A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will kill himself to fulfill his benevolence.
Do your duty without giving in to the teacher.
The duty of serving the people, respecting ghosts and gods, and keeping away from them can be said to be well understood.
A gentleman can be deceived but cannot be ignored.
Restraining oneself and restoring propriety is benevolence.
Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. No resentment in the country, no resentment at home.
Love people, know people, correct mistakes, and make mistakes straight.
Be respectful where you live, and be respectful when serving; be loyal to others, even if you are a barbarian, you should not abandon them.
If restraint, aggression, resentment, and desire are not carried out, it can be regarded as benevolence.
If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools; if he lives in this country, he will serve as a wise man for its officials and as a benevolent friend for its scholars.
Confucius said: Those who can practice the five are considered benevolent in the world. Please ask. say. Gong Kuan, Xin Minhui. Respect is not insulting. Being wide will win many people. If you believe, you will be allowed to do whatever you want. If you are sensitive, you will have merit. Benefit is enough to make people happy.
A gentleman has nothing to fight for.
Five words of Confucius’ famous saying: A gentleman has nothing to fight for.