To establish oneself, study is the first priority, and to establish one’s studies, reading is the foundation. If you practice self-cultivation, you must not add unreasonable things to others. Generally speaking, those who are honest, loyal, and able to attack my faults will benefit our friends; those who are flirtatious, frivolous, arrogant, and lead others to do evil will harm our friends. Maintain integrity and respect benevolence and righteousness. Among the three things of self-cultivation, knowledge and practice, self-cultivation is the first, followed by knowledge and practice. Friends, those who are united by righteousness. The bottom line of what the saint said is fair and upright. There are three aspects of reading, namely, understanding with the heart, understanding with the eyes, and understanding with the mouth. Sincerity is the foundation of self-cultivation, and understanding and kindness is the foundation of sincerity. If you respect yourself, others will respect you; if you are arrogant, others will respect you. It is easier for a young person to learn than to become an old man, and an inch of time cannot be taken lightly. If you practice self-cultivation, you must not add unreasonable things to others. Those who have no doubts in reading must be taught to have doubts; those who have doubts must have no doubts. Only then can they make progress. To establish oneself, learning is the first priority, and to learn is based on reading. Ask the canal to find out how clear it is, for there is a source of living water. People who are upright are good people. Examine yourself every day, correct it if you have it, and encourage it if you don’t. There is no better conduct than honesty. The method of reading is to proceed step by step, read thoroughly and think deeply. Rituals are principles. Since ancient times, sages and sages have always put their heart and ground at the center. Ask the canal how clear it is, so that there is a source of living water. The method of reading is to be step by step and gradual, read carefully and think deeply. The method of reading is step by step and gradual, read carefully and think deeply. Among the three things of self-cultivation, knowledge and practice, self-cultivation is the first, followed by knowledge and practice. Sincerity is the foundation of self-cultivation, and understanding and kindness is the foundation of sincerity. Scholars must first be determined. Today, those who are leisurely only think that knowledge has never done anything, and when encountering problems, they just deal with it haphazardly. This is just a lack of ambition. If sincerity can be embodied and maintained, it is the source of all good deeds and the foundation of all actions. If sincerity can be embodied and maintained, it is the source of all good deeds and the foundation of all actions. Examine yourself every day, correct it if you have it, and encourage it if you don’t.