French classic love quotes
France is the capital of love, and French is the most romantic language. Below are the classic French love quotes I compiled for you, I hope you like them!
Express I love you in French
Jet'appr?ciebeaucouptusais. You know I appreciate you.
Jet'appr?ciebeaucoup. I admire you very much.
Jesuisamoureuxdetoi. I'm in love with you.
Jesuisamoureusedetoi. I'm in love with you.
Jet'aime! I love you!
Jet'adore! I love you! I adore you! I admire you!
Jet'aimealafolie! Me I love you like crazy! I am obsessed with you!
Moncoeurnebatquepourtoi. My heart beats only for you.
Jet'aimais,t'aimeett'aimerai! I loved you before, I still love you now, and I will always love you. Classic beautiful and romantic French quotations
1. la voix de celle que l'on aime. The most gentle and harmonious thing is the whisper between lovers.
2. Love has an instinct, she knows how to find her heart. distance. Like the weakest insect, there is an unparalleled power that pulls it to crawl on its favorite flower.
3. Le center de toute bont? et de toute joie est l'amour. All kindness, all joy, are all due to the joy of love.
4. The duty of love is temptation.
5. I love you, not only because you are you, but also because every time I come near you , I am no longer my old self.
6. L'amour r?unit les coeurs qui s'aiment. Love is the connection of two hearts, which match each other.
7. Love is always beautiful.
8. Meme quand on l'a perdu, l'amour qu'on a connu vous laisse un gout de miel. L'amour, c'est ?ternel! Love, even if it is helplessly far away But it can still leave us with a sweet warmth. Eternal - love.
9. Il faut tant, et tant de larmes. Pour avoir le droit d'aimer. Love must be baptized by tears like a shower.
10. Love is both a feeling and an art. French version of classic movie lines
1. I guessed the beginning, but I couldn’t guess the ending. ?"A Westward Journey" J?ai devin? le d?but, mais j?ai l?chec de devin? la fin.
2. Li Yaohui, why don't we start over. ?"Spring Glows Over" Li Yaohui, est-ce qu?on pourrait recommencer notre amour?
3. Do you know that there is a kind of bird without legs? He can only fly around in the sky throughout his life. Go and sleep in the wind when you are tired of flying. You can only land once in your life, and that is when you die. "Days of Being Wild" Il existe une sorte de l'oiseau qui n?a pas de pieds, tu sais? Il vole dans le ciel sans cesse pendant toute la vie. Quand il est fatigu?, il se repose dans le vent.
4. I know that the best way to avoid being rejected is to reject others first. "Ashes of the Past" Le meilleur moyen de ne pas ?tre refus? d?autrui, c?estmoi-m?me qui fait le premier pas.
5. I want you to know that in this There is always someone in the world who will always be waiting for you. No matter when, no matter where you are, there will always be such a person. ?"Half Life" Jete fais ?tre au courant de ce que dans le monde il existe une personne qui t?attendra toujours n?importe quand etn?importe o?, il en existe une?
6. I once heard someone say that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not forget it. ?"Ashes of the Past" J?ai entendu parl?de ce que tupeux faire unique une chose, c?est ne pas en oublier quand tu ne peux plus en poss?der.
7. So many years , holding your hand, just like the left hand holding the right hand, there is no feeling, but it will hurt when you cut it. ?《A Sigh》Il y a tant d?ann?es que j?ai pris tamain, comme je n?ai pas la sensation quand je me coise les mains, mais cela me fait mal en la coupant.
8. The so-called deep love means that there is me in you, and you in me. It turns out that eating alone is not as happy as two people eating.
"The world is unique" L?amour dit, c?est cequ?il existe le moi dans le toi, vice versa. En fin de compte, deux personnes prennent du repas plus contents qu?une seulele fait.
9. It was not the bullet, but the beauty that killed the beast. ?"King Kong" Ce n?est pas la balle qui tue le monstre, c?est la belle.
10. It would be great if I knew how to abandon you. ?"Brokeback Mountain" J?esp?re savoir comment je pourrais te quitter...
11. I don’t even have a photo of him. He only lives in my memory. ?"Titanic" Je n?ai m?me pas une photo de lui, il est vivantseulement dans ma m?moire.
12. I don’t know how many women I will like in my life, no In the end I didn't know which one I would like. ?"Days of Being Wild" Je ne sais pas encore de combien defemmes je tomberai amoureux, je ne saurai pas ce qui j?aime s?il n?arrivera pas? la derni?re seconde.
13. This is how relationships are, if you hurt someone else, whether intentionally or unintentionally, there will always be someone to hurt you. ?"I have a date with spring" It's really strange that although the two hearts are very close, they can't see each other's faces. ?"Wonderful Hands and Kindness" Il est merveilleux quand on s?embrasse. Bien queles deux coeurs soient parfaitement proches l?un de l?autre, on ne peut pas se voir.
15. When I stand In front of the waterfall, I felt very sad. I always felt that there should be two people standing here. ?《Spring Happiness》 Quand je m?installe devant la chute d?eau moi-m?me, je me sens d?mesur?ment triste. Il faut que deux personnes s?y installent, j?y pense toujours.. .
16. Sister, is it worth your thousand years of practice for a Xu Xian? "Green Snake" Ma soeur, tu attends depuis un mille ans. Maintenant un seulhomme---Xuxian, il m?tite vraiment ton amour?
17. When I was a child, I looked at the stars in the sky. When the shooting stars flew by, I always had no time to make a wish. When I grew up, I met the person I liked, but it was still too late.
?"Unstoppable Love" Quand j?tais petit, le ciel ?tait plein d?toiles dans la nuit. ?Attraper l?amour que je croise.
18. Where there are people, there will be grievances, and when there are grievances, there will be rivers and lakes. People are the world, how do you quit? "The Swordsman" est-ce que tu t?enretires?
19. We are all born with only one half, and we walk around the world in order to find the other half. Some people are lucky and find it quickly. But some people look for it for a lifetime. "Glass Bottle" trouv?s, par contre les autres ont pass? toute la vie? trouver.
20. Things often change people, but people cannot change things. ?"Infernal Affairs" C?est toujours l?environnement qui change les?tres humains, mais les?tres humains sont impuissants devant l?environnement.
21. Some people lie all their lives, and some It takes a person a lifetime to lie to someone. ?"Metro to Spring" Certains mentent pendant toute la vie, tandis quecertains passent toute la vie? mentir? une personne.
22. There are so many cities in the world, and there are so many cities in them. Tavern, but she walked into mine. ?"Casablanca" Il y a beaucoup de villes dans lemonde, il existe tant de bistrots dans une ville, alors qu?elle entre dans celui-l? o? je m?assois.
23. Love is this thing , time is of the essence. It doesn't matter if you get to know each other too early or too late. ?《2046》Le temps est critique pour l?amour. Cela ne va pas en seconnaissant trop t?t ou trop tard.
24. If one day I can’t help but ask you, you must lie I. No matter how reluctant you are, don't tell me that the person you love most is not me.
"Evil in the West" Si un jour je nem?emp?chais pas de t?en poser, tu me mentirais absolement malgr? tout au lieu de me dire que la personne que tuaimes le plus n?est pas moi. p>
25. I don’t know what to say, I just suddenly missed her very much at that moment. ?"The Metro to Spring" Je ne sais pas qu?est-ce que je dois dire, je ne pensequ? elle a ce moment-l?. Classic French love sentences in "The Little Prince"
1. The little prince: You know - when you feel sad, you like to watch the sunset...
Tu sais... quand on est tellement triste on aime les couchers de soleil. < /p>
2. If someone loves a unique flower that blooms in the vast sea of ??stars. Then, when he looks up at the stars, he will be content. He would tell himself: My beloved flower is there, on the distant star. ?However, if the sheep eats the flower. Then, for him, all the stars will dim in an instant! But you think this is not important!
Si quelqu?un aim une fleur qui n?existe qu? un exemplaire How many millions of people are there, what's the difference between millions and millions of people, what's the difference between them and what they're about? est pour lui comme si, brusquement, toutes les ?toiles s?teignaient ! Et ce n?est pas important ?a !
3. Because forgetting one's friends is a sad thing, not every time Everyone has friends. If I forget the little prince, then I will become like those adults who are indifferent to other things except being interested in numbers.
C?est triste d? Oublier un ami. Tout le monde n'a pas eu un ami. I don't understand anything at all! I should be judging her by her actions, not by her words. She is full of fragrance and makes my life more fragrant and colorful. I really should not have left her... I should have guessed that there is tenderness behind her ridiculous tricks. Flowers are so innocent! However, I am too young after all, and I don’t know how to love her.
Je n?ai alors rien su comprendre! J?aurais d?la juger sur les actes et non sur les mots. Elle m?embaumait et m?clairait. Enfuir! J?aurais d?deviner sa tendresse derri?re ses pauvres ruses. Not so weak... the cool breeze at night is good for me. I am a flower. "
Je ne suis pas si enrhum?e que ?a... L?air frais de la nuit me fera du bien. : Oh, if I want to make friends with butterflies, of course I have to endure the visits of two or three caterpillars. Besides, if there are no butterflies and no caterpillars, who will come to see them? What about me? You are so far away from me... As for big animals, I am not afraid, I have my claws. tre les papillons. Il para?t que c?est tellement beau. Sinon qui me rendra visite? Tu seras loin, toi. Quant aux grosses b?tes, je ne crains rien. J?ai mes griffes.
< p> 7. The little prince: I wonder if the stars are shining so that everyone can find their way home. He said: Look, my star is right above my head but so far away!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? . Mais comme elle est loin!
8. It is also very lonely in the crowd.
On est seul aussi chez les hommes, dit le serpent.
9. Little Prince: Are they human? I think there are about six or seven. I saw them a few years ago, but I don’t know where to find them. The wind blew them away. They have no roots. , It's a hard life.
Les hommes? Le vent les prom?ne. Ils manquent de racines, ?a les g?ne beaucoup.
10. ?This is something that has long been forgotten.
?said the fox, ?it means building relationships. ?
C?est une chose trop oubli?e, dit le renard. Ca signifie "cr?er des liens..."
11. The fox said: ?To me. After all, you are just a little boy, just like millions of other little boys. I don't need you, and you don't need me either. for you. I am just a fox, like millions of other foxes. However, if you tame me. We will need each other, you will be the only one in the universe to me, and I will be the only one in the world to you.
Tu n?es encore pour moi qu?un petit gar?on tout semblable ? cent mille petits gar?ons. Et je n?ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n?as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu?un renard semblable? cent mille renards. Mais, si tu m?apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l?un de l?autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. au monde.
12. Fox: If you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine, and your footsteps will be different from others. The sound of other people's footsteps sends me scurrying underground, but yours, like music, calls me out of my cave.
Mais, si tu m?apprivoises, ma vie sera comme ensoleill?e. Je conna?trai un bruit de pas qui sera diff?rent de tous les autres. Le tien m?appellera hors du terrier, comme une musique. Et puis regarde!
13. Fox: Look, do you see the wheat field over there? I don’t eat bread, wheat is not good for me It makes no sense at all, the wheat field doesn't make any sense to me, which is really sad. However, you have blond hair. If you tame me, how wonderful it would be! The golden wheat will remind me of you, and I will also like to listen to the sound of the wind blowing among the wheat ears.
Tu vois, l?-bas, les champs de bl Je ne mange pas de pain. Le bl? pour moi est inutile. est triste ! Mais tu as des cheveux couleur d?or. bl?...
14. You can only understand what you tame. ?The fox said,?Human beings no longer have time to understand things. They always go to the store and buy things now.
However, there is no shop selling friendship, so humans have no real friends. If you don’t need a friend, just tame me!?
On ne conna?t que les choses que l?on apprivoise, dit le renard. Les hommes n?ont plus le temps de rien conna?tre. Ils ach?tent des choses toutes faites chez les marchands. ?amis. Wrong, ordinary people passing by may think that my roses are very similar to yours, but she only needs one flower to surpass all of you, because she is the rose that I water; she is the rose that I put in the glass cover Below, let me protect the rose from the wind and kill the caterpillars for her; because she is the rose that I am willing to listen to her complaining, bragging, and even being silent; because she is my rose . ?
Vous belles, mais vous vides, leur dit-il encore. On ne peut pas mourir pour vous. Bien s?r, ma rose ? moi, un passant ordinaire croirait qu?elle vous ressemble. Mais? elle seule, elle est plus importante que vous toutes, puisque c?est elle que j?ai arros?e. Puisque c?est elle que j?ai mise sous globe. Puisque c?est elle que j? ai abrit?e par le paravent. Puisque c?est elle dont j?ai tu?les chenilles (sauf les deux ou trois pour les papillons). Vanter, ou m?me quelquefois se taire. Puisque c?est ma rose.
17. Only with the heart can we see the essence of things clearly. The truly important things are invisible to the naked eye
< p> On ne voit bien qu?avec le coeur. L?essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.18. Because you invest time in your rose, she will be so important.
C?est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante.
19. People always look at the height of this mountain. ? said the switchman.
On n?est jamais content l?o? on est, dit l?aiguilleur.
20. Water is also good for the soul.
L?eau peut aussi ?tre bonne pour le coeur...
21. ?Because there is a flower that we cannot see, the stars look so beautiful. The desert is beautiful because there is a well hidden somewhere in the desert. ? said the little prince.
Les ?toiles sont belles, ?cause d?une fleur que l?on ne voit pas. 22. I'm going home today too. ?The road is long and difficult. ?
Moi aussi, aujourd?hui, je rentre chez moi...
C?est bien plus loin... c?est bien plus difficile...
23. If you fall in love with a flower on a certain planet. Then, as long as you look up at the starry sky at night, you will feel that the stars in the sky are like blooming flowers. 24. I You will live on one of the stars and smile on a certain star. Whenever you look up at the starry sky at night, you will seem to see all the stars smiling.