Original text:
Jingchun said, "Aren't Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi loyal men? Anger is the fear of the princes, and peace is the destruction of the world. "
Mencius said, "A gentleman is a gentleman. Haven't you learned manners? The husband's crown is also the father's life; A woman's marriage,
Mother gave an order and went to the delivery door, warning:' When you go to your daughter's house, you must be respectful and restrained. There is nothing to offend your master!' A concubine whose righteousness is obedience.
A woman's way is also. Live in the world, stand in the right position in the world and be the best in the world; Success, with the people; Not successful,
Go it alone Wealth can't be lewd, poverty can't be moved, and power can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. "