Every man is a fool sometimes, but none at all times.--George Kelly
A person may be fooled sometimes, but he cannot be fooled all his life. Kelly (Knowledge)
When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy.--Tagore
When we rejoice in our fullness, we can part with our fruits with joy.--Tagore Then we can part ways with our fruits happily. Tagore (Life)
How many persons in the world would have scored achievement, if they did not vvasfe the valuable time.--Maupassant
How many persons in the world would have scored achievement, if they did not vvasfe the valuable time.--Maupassant
, but because of letting go of precious time, it became unknown. Maupassant (Time)
Love can not be sold, and money will certainly kill love.--Rousseau
Love can not be sold, and money will certainly kill love.--Rousseau
Love can not be sold, and money will certainly kill love. Rousseau (Love)
Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent.--Samuel Johnson
Life is short, and it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent.--Samuel Johnson
Spend too much time thinking about how to spend this life. Samuel Johnson (Life)
Science also needs creation and imagination. Only imagination can break traditional restraints and develop science.--Guo Moruo
Science also needs creation and imagination. Fantasy, only with fantasy can we break the shackles of tradition and develop science. Guo Miruo (Science and Technology)
Love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, least I bias my judgment. Guo Miruo ( Science and Technology)
But love is an emotional thing, which is contradictory to the calm thinking that I think is the most important thing. I would never marry for fear of clouding my judgment. Sherlock Holmes