From Hegel.
"Existence is reasonable" is a philosophical saying that is often misunderstood by today's people as "Everything that exists is reasonable." The complete translation is: Everything that is rational is realistic; Everything that is realistic is rational. (Preface to "Principles of Legal Philosophy" by Hegel Linsheng)
This famous saying by Hegel Linsheng comes from his "Principles of Legal Philosophy" (Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts 1820).
The original text is: Was vernünftig ist, das ist wirklich; und was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig.
The English translation is: What is reasonable is real; that which is real is reasonable . Another translation: What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational.
The focus is on the word "vernünftig", "vernünftig" is related to "Vernuft" (rationality), and the English translation is "reasonable" Or "rational", which is different from the usual meaning of "reasonable" in Chinese. "reasonable" in Chinese means "reasonable or reasonable". Here, the closer meaning should be "reasonable". This is not a translation error, this is a philosophical quote, and this sentence also has its special philosophical context. It is not advisable to take quotes out of context.