Those who observe are wise, those who do not observe are confused. With clear observation, if you advance, you can conquer the whole country; if you retreat, you can protect yourself. A gentleman should be cautious.
If the observation is unclear, traitors will be born, and traitors will be born, and virtuous people will be gone. If virtuous people are gone, the country will not be promoted. If the country is not promoted, it will be in danger, and if it is destroyed, it will be in danger.
A gentleman seeks for the country, while a villain seeks for his own life. Those who seek for the country should worry about the world first; those who seek for themselves should benefit themselves first. The wise man's plans are far away, and his plans are deep. Only if it is profound can it obey nature and respond to people.
It is better to consider the deeds of a sage king based on the tortoise than to consider the truth; it is better to show off with force than to attack with righteousness.
Observe before planning, plan before taking action, think long and far-sighted, and all plans will be right. Therefore, it is better to plan for him than to criticize him; it is better to help him live than to help him die. Since your wings are abundant, why not worry about flying thousands of miles.
The plan depends on the situation, and the situation changes. If we are strong, the enemy will be weak, and if the enemy is weak, we will be strong. It is better to let the whole country attack it than to let it attack itself.
It is better for a brave man to fight for it than for a wise man to plan it. It is better to take it by force than by planning. To attack and defeat them, it is better to understand them with reason, move them with emotion, and lure them for profit; or it may be thunderous and frightening, and then take advantage of it.
Everyone knows that gold and silk are precious, but they don’t know that they are far more valuable than gold and silk. If you don't plan deeply, you won't go far. People choose small things, I choose big things; people look close, I look far. Preparing for a rainy day is what a wise man does.
The way to govern is to distinguish between good and evil, and to know rewards and punishments. If the law is clear and ordered to be reviewed, it will be auspicious without divination; if hard work and merit are valuable, it will be blessed without blessing.
When virtuous people stand up, the country prospers; when villains stand up, the country is in danger. Those who have a country should examine it carefully. Therefore, it is better for a villain to go to work, but for a gentleman to move forward.
Under great virtue, the great road accommodates everyone. Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a common human condition, and it is appropriate to forgive to reassure people. Therefore, instead of driving fish into the abyss, it is better to show kindness and show kindness.
Rewards are not about scarcity but injustice; punishments are not about severity but injustice. Rewards are used to promote virtue, and punishments are used to prohibit adultery. To make subordinates fear punishment and benefit from rewards is the lower level; to love virtue and think about progress is the upper level. There is no useless material in the world, it just depends on how it is used.
It is advisable to be sincere in matters, since sincerity means there will be no gaps, so it is better to be disobedient than to deceive. Not compromising a major integrity with a small mistake is loyalty and wisdom.
Do not bully your superiors, nor humiliate your ruler. Encourage your master to be considerate, tell your master to take long-term strategies, and do not make your master stand aloof and show glory. The world will call him filial piety. Honor, disgrace and passion, advance and retreat together, and only by working together can things be solved. How can it last long if one is arrogant and bullies his subordinates?
It is easy to attack a city but difficult to attack a heart. Therefore, it is best to show them with courtesy and establish them with authority. Repay grievances with virtue, repay destruction with reputation, and repay doubts with sincerity. If there is no gap, there will be no danger. Serve the king with loyalty, not trickle down. Treat people with sincerity and leave no gaps.
For the best plan, do not use small favors, but long-term strategies. Everyone can do small favors, but long-term strategies cannot be done by non-sages. It is better to tell a story with flattery than with loyalty. It is better to be happy about helping than to worry about it.
Think about what is above, but think about nothing; it is better to seek peace for the king than to seek profit for the king. Think deeply and think far. The icing on the cake is not as good as adding charcoal in the snow.
The king and his ministers should each be in his place, and each superior and inferior should keep their place. Be prepared for danger in times of peace and stop at the abyss. Therefore, it is easy to say that if you are hiding a dragon, don't use it, but if you are overpowering the dragon, you will regret it. Anyone who loses his weapon can take whatever he wants. Therefore, the person carrying a sharp weapon is in danger. It is better to show it as nothing and remove its doubts, then there will be no blame. Don't cherish your talents, don't sacrifice your achievements, and don't forget your roots. Be modest as a person, be harmonious in government, and keep things as they are. If there is a gap, make it clear so that slander cannot enter; if it is used in a big way, it will be used in a small way, so that it will be destroyed and unable to survive.
Don’t compromise on big things and don’t give up small favors. Advancing and retreating are well-founded, follow the laws of nature, and preserve human feelings. This is why it is a whole-body technique. If you want to achieve something, don't use it for small favors, but use it for great virtue; don't use it to get close, but use it to get far.
Don’t approach a dangerous house, and don’t enter a dangerous country. A pearl must wait for those who know it, and a sword only rewards the strong. It is dangerous to act as a wise minister and serve as a wise minister. Therefore, if the wise ruler remonstrates, the faint ruler will go away. It is appropriate not to go but to hide in the court. Know the male and guard the female. Don't retreat because of things. This is the wise way to protect yourself.
Seeing should be far away and knowledge should be broad, planning should be deep and courageous should be strong. An army cannot stand without authority, and cannot carry out orders without punishment. Deterrence, outsmarting and defeating with courage, then what enemy can't be defeated, why can't we attack? Good will win over evil, straight will win over war. Haoran is upright, but treacherous and sycophantic.
Those who are powerful are suitable. If it is suitable, it will be healthy, if it is reversed, it will be dangerous; if it is gained, it will be strong, if it is lost, it will be weak.
Things must be done in a hurry, and it is better to be urgent than to be slow, and to be slow is not to be urgent. Depending on the time and situation, everyone will find peace.
Government is not based on violence but on Dao; victory is not based on courage but on benevolence. Therefore, he uses violence, and I use Dao; he uses courage, and I use benevolence; and then the victory or defeat is determined.
There are many ways to attack the mind. Just like Wu Mu's use of troops, he only cares about his concentration. Disturbing it with chaos, trapping it with excitement, wait for it to change, and then figure it out. If you want to gain something, discard it first; if you want to promote it, suppress it first. If you are afraid of danger, your heart will break, and you can use your plan later.
Give in vain and take in reality. If you show it harm, it will be used by me. If you want to win his heart, don't do anything other than to give in to him. If you like it, I will like it; if you hate it, I will hate it. If I am of the same mind as you, you will not be different from me.
Those who know the opportunity are wise; those who are good at judgment are wise. The potential can be measured and the opportunity can be relied upon, and then the plan can be implemented. Don't be alarmed when things change, don't be confused when faced with danger. Act according to the opportunity and take advantage of it, this is the style of a general.
Making mistakes the same, passing on lies, grafting others on, and taking advantage of others by clever means. If the enemy is fast and we are slow, use wisdom to slow them down; if the enemy is strong and we are weak, use tactics to defeat them. The fuel is drawn from the bottom of the cauldron, and one thing decreases and the other increases. If the enemy is slow, we will be quick; if the enemy is weak, we will be strong. This is also a matter of chance.
Random words are used to denigrate reputations, which can make people lose their reputation. The treacherous and evil are suppressed, and the straight is used as the song. Therefore, the owner's trouble lies in his belief in slander. Belief in slander controls others, so he should be aware of it. However, even a gentleman cannot avoid this. Is it okay to keep the country, the country, and the country in your heart and act as a villain? The wisdom of a villain can also be used to plan the country. Do your best to be loyal, even if you are slanderous. However, a gentleman does the things of a villain and approaches villains, so he should be careful.
The person with military power is the commander of the three armies and the master of the general's power. The general is able to hold the power of the army and use the force of the army to attack the crowd. He is like a tiger with wings, soaring around the sea and taking action wherever he encounters.
There are five disadvantages of a military state. The first is to form cliques and slander and praise the virtuous; the second is to extravagant one's clothes and wear different hats; the third is to falsely boast about witchcraft and speak falsely about divine ways; the fourth is to focus on observing right and wrong and move the public privately; the fifth is to wait for gains and losses and make enemies secretly. .
There are seven ways to know people. When someone is right and wrong, observe his ambition; when he is poor, he uses words to argue and observe his changes; when he counsels him about strategies, he observes his knowledge; when he tells him about disasters, he observes his bravery; when he is drunk, he observes his nature; when he confronts him, he observes his nature. Look at the integrity when it comes to profit; look at the trustworthiness when looking forward to things.
The way is based on virtue, the people are treated with propriety, the people are aware of hunger and cold, and the people are aware of their hard work. This is called a benevolent general... Seeing the virtuous is like falling short, following advice is like going with the flow, being broad-minded but able to be strong, and brave And those who plan too much are called generals.
Therefore, a good general does not rely on strength, does not care about his power, favors others without being happy, is not surprised by humiliation, is not greedy for profit, is not lustful when seeing beauty, and sacrifices his life for the country with only one intention.
There will be five virtues and four desires. The five good persons are those who are good at knowing the enemy's situation, good at knowing the way forward and retreat, good at knowing the situation of the country, good at knowing the weather and people, and good at knowing the dangers of mountains and rivers. The four desires are the so-called desire for wonder in battle, desire for secret planning, desire for tranquility among others, and desire for unity.
A good general is strong and cannot be broken, and soft and cannot be rolled. Therefore, use the weak to control the strong, and use the soft to control the strong. Pure softness and pure weakness must be strong. If it is pure strength and strength, it will surely perish. Neither soft nor hard, it is normal to be in harmony with the Tao.