Edogawa Conan, formerly known as Kudou Shinichi, is a 17-year-old high school detective. After accidentally seeing the secret transaction of the dark organization, the dark organization poured a drug called APTX-4869. This medicine was originally a poison specially used to kill people. It can kill people invisibly. However, because of the imperfect medicinal properties, Xinyi's body size has become smaller. And Edogawa Conan is a new and smaller appearance, studying in the first grade of Didan Primary School. His name, Edogawa Conan, came to mind in a hurry. "Edogawa" originated from Edgwa Lapol, a famous detective in the Edo period, and "Conan" originated from Conan Doyle. His Sherlock Holmes is Shinichi's favorite character. Conan is the embodiment of justice, as if sent by heaven to save the whole life and reveal the truth. He used Agasa Hiroshi's advanced inventions to help Uncle Maori solve countless cases. And for the safety of people around him, he never told them the truth.
Now Conan has more than 400 episodes, but the ending has always been a mystery. Seeing this, I have not only regarded Conan as a comic book for entertainment. I saw his strength, his courage, and his persistence in the face of the case ... I have been thinking about how unexpected the result will be. Is Agasa Hiroshi, who has been with Conan, the biggest black hand behind the scenes? Because he has so many amazing inventions, he never sells them, but he is not short of money. Why is this? Maybe he ambushed him to personally understand the nature of this drug? A question mark flashed in my mind.
You are an April day on earth.
I said you are an April day on earth/
Laughter lit up the wind in all directions/
Bright souls dance and change in the splendor of spring/
You are a cloud in the sky in early April/
The breeze blew at dusk/
The planetesimals flashed unintentionally/
The drizzle sprinkled in front of the flowers/
Naqing/Naping Pavilion/
You are Xianyan/
You are wearing a crown of flowers/
You are innocent and solemn/you are the full moon every night/
After the snow melted, that piece of goose yellow/
You are like/green shoots/
You are gentle and happy/
Water floats with white lotus in your dream/
You are the flower of a tree/
It's a swallow/whispering among the beams/
You are love/warmth/
It's hope/you're April on earth/
Conan left me endless thoughts, and I want to be an excellent thinker like Conan.