Those plots intended to destroy others are often destroyed in the attempt stage. " - Thomas Moore
"When a man chooses revenge, he is no different from his enemy; but if he leaves his hatred behind, he surpasses his enemy. " - Francis Bacon
"A just act of revenge is worth repeating. " - Jon Jefferson
"You must first catch up with your opponent before you can surpass your opponent. " - Dick Amey
"Don't lose your mind, wait for the opportunity to retaliate. " - Robert F. Kennedy
"Revenge pays. " - Edward Gibbon
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. " - Gandhi
"If you have to hurt someone, do it hard so that you don't worry about his retaliation. " - Machiavelli
"Living well is the greatest revenge. " - "Talmud"
"At first, the feeling of revenge is sweet, but when it rebounds, the bitterness is endless. " - John Milton
"Why repay kindness with kindness, repay hatred with directness, and repay kindness with kindness. " - Confucius
"...loving dissent and rebellion, fearing that the world will not be in chaos, is the definition of a patriot. " - Barbara Ehrenreich
"An American citizen is willing to cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but is not willing to cross the street to cast a vote..." - Bill Ehrenreich Vaughn
"I was born an American; I want to live an American; I should die an American! " - Daniel Webster
"We cannot confuse disapproval with disloyalty. " - Edward R. Murrow
"Patriotism is the belief that your country is superior to any other country because you were born here. " - George Bernard Shaw
"Patriotism is actually just unreasonable admiration for fixed assets and has nothing to do with morality. " - George Jane Nathan
"A person's foundation must be established in his motherland, but his eyes should look at the whole world. " - George Santayana
"Patriotism ruins history. " - Goethe
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. " - John F. Kennedy
"The country is divided into two halves, one half is patriot, the other half is traitor, but no one can tell which is which. - Mark Twain
"If you want a symbolic gesture, don't burn the flag, wash it." " - Norman Thomas
"I will fight for my country, but I will not cheat for her. " - Zora Neale Hurston
"Patriotism is always supporting your country and supporting the government when it deserves your support. " - Mark Twain
"The reflection of a country depends not only on the people it has raised, but also on the people it honors and the people it remembers. " - John F. Kennedy
"My only regret is that I have but one life to devote to my country. " - Nathan Hale
"There are many kinds of patriotism, from noble loyalty to moral lunacy. " - W.R. Inge
"If you're ashamed of the color of your skin, you'd better find another flag. " - Anonymous
"Nationalism is a childhood disease, the measles of mankind. " - Albert Einstein
"If our motherland is worth dying for in times of war, then it is also worth living well for in times of peace. " - Hamilton Fish
"To be an outstanding patriot, you must become the enemy of the people of other countries. What a shame! " - Voltaire
"Traditional patriotism cannot survive nuclear fission. Either one world or all will be destroyed. " - Stuart Chase
"We know where they are. Aren't they in the area east, south, west, and north of Tikrit and Baghdad? " - Donald Rumsfeld
"I don't agree that the future is necessarily more difficult to predict than the past. I think that things in the past were unpredictable at the time they occurred. " - Donald Rumsfeld
"When you have never lost your freedom, you feel you deserve it. " - Dick Cheney
"Principles are fine under normal circumstances, but they mean nothing when you lose. " - Dick Cheney
"I love America more than any other country in the world, and, for that very reason, I insist on the lifelong right to criticize her. " - James Baldwin
"When we express our gratitude, we must understand that the deepest gratitude is not about words, but about them.
" - John F. Kennedy