A well-educated person will not say bad words when cutting off contact with others; a loyal minister will not explain his noble name when he leaves the country.
This is a famous saying and an allusion. The allusion comes from "Historical Records": During the Warring States Period, Le Yi was good at using troops and made great achievements when he assisted King Yan Zhao in attacking Qi. Later, King Yan Zhao died and King Yan Hui came to the throne. King Yan Hui didn't like Le Yi, and Qi State used counter-intentional tactics, so King Yan Hui reduced Le Yi's military power. Le Yi was afraid of being killed, so he fled to Zhao State. As a result, the Yan army was defeated. King Yan Hui wrote a letter to punish Le Yi. Le Yi wrote back and said: "When a gentleman breaks up with others, he will not make a bad sound; when a loyal minister leaves the country, his name will be unclean." As a result, King Yan Hui no longer made things difficult for Le Yi.