1. A qiji can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times, but the merit lies in perseverance; if you persevere, the rotten wood will not break; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved.
2. Those who know something are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. Confucius
3. When you are determined, you should think about your true character, and you must work hard to study. Ruan Yuan
4. Work is accomplished by hard work but wasteful by play; success is achieved by thinking but destroyed by following. Han Yu
5. The method of reading is to proceed step by step, read thoroughly and think carefully. Zhu Xi
6. After being tempered by the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.
7. If young people don’t work hard, old people will be sad.
8. When reading, I would like to stay in front of every beautiful thought, just like I stay in front of every truth. Emerson
9. He likes reading and does not ask for deep explanations. Every time I have an idea, I happily forget to eat. Tao Yuanming
10. Read thousands of volumes and write like a master. Du Fu
11. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. Confucius
12. Being eager to learn but not diligent in asking questions is not a truly good scholar.
13. Work hard to know all the words in the world, and resolve to read all the books in the world. Su Shi
14. The stupid man gets up first, and the stupid bird comes out of the forest early.
15. Although it is hard work to traverse thousands of waves, you will only get gold after blowing away all the yellow sand. Liu Yuxi
16. Those who have no doubts in reading must be taught; those who have doubts must have no doubts. Only here can they make progress. Zhu Xi
17. A day of reading is a day of success, a day of not reading is a day of nothingness.
18. If a bird wants to fly high, it first flutters its wings; if a man wants to make progress, he first studies. Li Kuchan
19. Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from the ordinary.
20. There is a road to the mountain of books, and hard work is the path to the mountain of books. There is no limit to the sea of ??learning, and hard work is the boat.
21. Light gives us experience, and reading gives us knowledge. Ostrovsky
22. A bookworm must be good at writing, and an art nut must have good skills. Pu Songling
23. The prime years will never come again, and it is difficult to come back in the morning. You should be encouraged in time. Time waits for no one.
Tao Yuanming