Master Hong Yi once said, "Don't deceive yourself inside, and don't deceive others outside".
Confucius said, "People without faith don't know what they can do."
Mencius said: "Honesty is based on the theory of harmony between man and nature, and there is no way to be honest."
Westerners say: integrity is the best means of competition.
China people say: No faith is untenable.
But seeing Dan Cheng as blood, who knows that false words are like a spring. -Don Bai Juyi
If you don't take these shoes away, Li can't be officially crowned. -Yuefu poetry
Three cups of spit, five mountains are light. knight-errant
Serene can still tilt, but its promise will never change. -Li Bai
The people who write are straightforward, but the composition is expensive. -Ming Yuanmei
An upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried. -The Analects of Confucius