Goethe once said: "Beauty on the outside can only please you for a while, but beauty on the inside can last forever." Goethe believed that beauty in appearance is not beauty, but beauty in the soul is the real beauty. Tagore also said: "You can evaluate a flower or a butterfly based on its appearance, but You cannot evaluate a person like this." Tagore also believed that the beauty of appearance is not important, and one should use the beauty of the soul to evaluate a person.
Although the truth is that the beauty of the soul is more beautiful than the beauty of the appearance, modern society does not think so. Nowadays, people think that the appearance is more important than the beauty of the soul
There is a philosopher Said: "The world of mortals is the most terrifying thing in the world. Once you are involved in it, you can never get out." I don't think this sentence can be said to be the most absolute truth in the world. People will see the beautiful appearance of others, but never pay attention to what that person's heart is like.
Chekhov said that everything about a person should be beautiful, including appearance, clothes, soul, and thoughts. This sentence expresses the beautiful qualities of human beings. I think beauty in appearance and beauty in mind are both important, but people have different understandings and expressions. In front of us