Those who are determined can achieve great results. Even if the cauldron sinks the boat, a hundred and two Qin Passes will eventually belong to Chu; if a person works hard, God will not let him down; if he sleeps on his salary and tastes courage, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu. Pu Songling
He was a farmhouse man in the morning and ascended to the Emperor's Hall in the evening. Generals have no seeds at all, and men should strive for self-improvement. "Poems of a Child Prodigy"
He has learned a lot since childhood and has high ambitions throughout his life. Others carry swords, I have a pen and a knife. "Poem of a Child Prodigy"
The body is like a boat against the current, and the heart is stronger than stone. I hope my father will fulfill my son's ambitions, and I will not be afraid of difficulties until death. (Ming Dynasty) Li Shizhen
Nothing in the world is difficult, only those with determination can achieve it; nothing in the world is easy, only those with perseverance can achieve it. Excerpts from the book
Those who do not have deep ambitions do not have clear enlightenment; those who do not do things with embarrassment do not have great achievements. (Warring States Period) Xun Kuang
A hero is one who has great ambitions, has a good plan, has the opportunity to contain the universe, and can swallow the aspirations of heaven and earth. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"
When you are old and strong, you would rather move your heart with a white head; when you are poor and strong, you will not fall into the clouds. (Tang Dynasty) Wang Bo
If you don’t memorize the book, you can memorize it if you read it carefully; if you don’t understand the meaning well, you can refine it by thinking carefully. As long as the ambition is not established, there is no place to focus. (Song Dynasty) Zhu Xi
People must be determined, and if they are determined, they will achieve success. No one in the world, both ancient and modern, has made achievements without ambition. (Ming Dynasty) Zhu Di
Those who are sages and heroes throughout the ages, both treacherous and determined, have nothing more than the word "diligence". (Qing Dynasty) Zeng Guofan
Keep your ambition strong, work hard, and work hard. No matter how big or small, you will succeed. (Qing Dynasty) Zeng Guofan
Where there is a will, there is a way, and the Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu. No one will be unworthy of his hard work. Three thousand Yue Jia can devour Wu even if he sleeps on his fuel and tastes his courage. (Qing Dynasty) Pu Songling
A man wants to do things in the world, but if he makes progress, he will not stop. If his ambition has been fulfilled, he will have no ambition. Liang Qichao
There is no limit to the direction of ambition; there is no limit to the distance between mountains and seas. Wherever one aims, there are no strong points that cannot be penetrated; sharp soldiers and fine armor cannot be defeated. "Motto Lianbi"
There are all people in the world who cannot be transformed, but I am afraid that sincerity has not yet arrived. There is nothing impossible in the world, but I am afraid that my determination is not firm. "Proverbs Lianbi"
If a person has no ambition, no matter how magnificent his actions are, he cannot be called a great man. Larochevko
Ambition and poverty are brothers in adversity, and they are often seen together in the world. Thomas Fuller
Study requires ambition, and talent requires learning. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents, and without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. Zhuge Liang
Everyone must have the ambition to be a hero of the generation! You should be a person who creates a new generation. Zhou Enlai
Although faith alone can produce miracles, this is only superficial. Will, yes, the stronger the will, the better the work can be done. Dugar
If a person does not have the opportunity to fight for his own claims, there is no need for claims to exist. Thomas
If a person does not reach the highest peak, he will not have a moment of peace, and he will not feel the tranquility and glory of life. Bernard Shaw
A warrior has his own ambition: to reform forever and start from scratch; all shameful decline can only make people treat them as enemies and turn them into sand. Guo Xiaochuan
The worst thing is that people are often hindered by wrong ambitions in life without realizing it. They only understand it when they get rid of those obstacles. Goethe
The dignity of the motherland is above all else, and the interests of the people are more important than anything else. We are willing to sacrifice everything for the motherland and the people. Martyr Liu Chengqian
It doesn’t matter if he cuts out his heart or beheads him! I only wish that the beautiful mountains and rivers would give me back my beautiful face. Soft Stone
Is there any thorn that cannot be cut away? Is there any jackal that cannot be killed? Is there any mountain that cannot be overturned? You must fight, fight bravely, and victory will be yours. Deng Zhongxia
Only this person deserves life and freedom, if he fights for it every day. Goethe
People are like nails. Once they lose their direction and begin to succumb to resistance, they lose the value of their existence. Landau
Ambition is just a slave of memory, born vigorously, but difficult to grow. Shakespeare
In all great undertakings, people should observe the opportunity like a thousand eyes before starting, and seize the opportunity like a thousand-handed god while proceeding. Bacon
If you don’t climb high mountains, you don’t know how big the sky is; if you don’t go to deep valleys, you don’t know how thick the earth is. Xun Kuang
A person without ambition may one day be famous, but it is rare for an ambitious person not to want to stand out. North
People say life is short, but I think they themselves make it so short. Rousseau
The seeds do not fall on the fertile soil but on the rubble. A viable seed will never be pessimistic and sigh, because only with resistance can there be tempering. Xia Yan
If a person does not know where he is going, then any wind is not a tailwind.