1. One man's constant is another man's variable.
One man's constant is another man's variable. (One person thinks it is a constant, another person thinks it is a variable)
2. Functions delay binding; data structures induce binding.
Moral: Structure data late in the programming process.
I don’t understand
3. Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.
The pursuit of syntactic skills will lead to parsing disaster (?)
4 . Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.
Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.
Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.
5. If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways.
If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways. several processing methods.
6. Symmetry is a complexity-reducing concept (co-routines include subroutines); seek it everywhere.
The pursuit of symmetry is a method of eliminating complexity (co-routines include subroutines); ); should continue to pursue it
7. It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
8. A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
>9. It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.
100 functions operate on 1 data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures. Good
10. Get into a rut early: Do the same process the same way. Accumulate idioms. Standardize. The only difference(!) between Shakespeare and you was the size of his idiom list -not the size of his vocabulary.
Begin to stick to the rules: do the same things in the same way, accumulate idioms, and understand the standards.
The only difference between you and Shakespeare is the number of idioms you master, not the number of words
11. If you have a procedure with ten parameters, you probably missed some.
If You have a procedure that takes 10 parameters, maybe you're missing some.
12. Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time.
Recursion is computation The root of this, because it trades description for time
13. If two people write exactly the same program, each should be put into microcode and then they certainly won't be the same.
If two people write the exact same program, they should check it at the microcode level so they don't think the code is the same.
14. In the long run every program becomes rococo - then rubble.
Under the test of long run time, every program becomes fragile
15. Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.
Every program should be built top-down, except the first time.
16. Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written, and another for which it wasn't.
Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written, and another for which it wasn't.
Every program has (at least) two purposes: Function: One is the function you want to get when you write it, and the other is the function you don't want to get when you write it
17. If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
If an audience member nods when you explain your program to him, wake him up.
18. A program without a loop and a structured variable isn't
A program without loops and structured variables is not worth writing.
19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.
If a programming language cannot affect the way you think, then it is not worth knowing.
20. Wherever there is modularity there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hiding information implies a need to check communication.
Wherever there is modularity, there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hiding Information means that communication needs to be checked
It’s not easy to translate