According to legend, Confucius had three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages. The most famous among them are the ten philosophers of Confucius: Ziyuan, Ziqian, Boniu, Zhonggong, Ziyou, Zigong, Zilu, Ziwo, Ziyou and Zixia. "The Analects of Confucius. Advanced" records, "Confucius said: 'Those who follow me from Chen and Cai are not as good as me. Virtue: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong; speech: Zaiwo, Zigong; political affairs: Ran You, Ji Lu ; Literature: Ziyou, Zixia. "
Zigong, whose surname was Duanmu, whose given name was Ci, and whose given name was Zigong, was one of the seventy-two sages of the Confucian sect, and was listed as an outstanding scholar in language. He is eloquent, good at eloquence, capable, and knowledgeable in everything he does. He once served as the prime minister of Lu and Wei. He was also good at doing business. He once did business between Cao and Lu and became rich. He is the richest among Confucius' disciples. ?
Yan Yan? (506 BC ~ 443 BC) was the only southern disciple of Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period. Ziyou, also known as Shushi. Changshu people. At the age of 22, he left his hometown and went north to worship Confucius as his teacher and became one of the seventy-two sages among his three thousand disciples. Modesty and studious, he was good at literature. He once served as the governor of Wucheng in the state of Lu. He educated the people with rituals and music. The sound of string singing could be heard everywhere in the territory, which was highly praised by Confucius.
Yan Hui (521 BC to 490 BC) was a native of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. The name is Ziyuan. Disciple of Confucius. Known for his virtues. He is diligent and eager to learn, firmly believes in Confucius' theory, and "hears one thing and knows ten" and has a profound understanding. He was an easy-going and humble person, taciturn, and rarely exposed his talents. He worked hard to practice Confucius' ideals in his actions and became Confucius's most loyal and proud student.
Zeng Shen (approximately 505 BC to 435 BC), named Ziyu, was born in Nanwucheng (now Pingyi) of the State of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. People respected him as Zengzi. Disciple of Confucius. He loved teaching and raising his relatives. He once served as a minor official and was famous for his filial piety.
Zhong Yuan (542 BC-480 BC) was a native of Bian (now east of Surabaya) in the state of Lu at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period. Zizilu, commonly known as Jilu. Disciple of Confucius. Known for political affairs.
Ran Qiu (522 BC-489 BC)? A native of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Zi You, commonly known as Ran You. Disciple of Confucius. Known for political affairs. He is versatile, especially good at financial management. He once served as the minister of the Ji family.
Min Sun (536 BC-?)? A native of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. The courtesy name is Ziqian. Disciple of Confucius. Known for his virtues.
Zaiyu? A native of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Ziwo, commonly known as Zaiwo. Disciple of Confucius. Known for his words. He was eloquent and had a spirit of independent thinking and unique insights. Mencius praised him as "wisdom enough to know a sage", but he had many ideological differences with Confucius. Confucius compared him to a "rotten tree" and a "wall of dung".