Great things in the world must be done in the details. Therefore, a saint is not great after all, so he can become great. It is easy and difficult for a husband who promises lightly to break his promise. It is difficult to be a saint, so there is no difficulty in the end.
The major events in the world are insignificant at first. Therefore, saints are never greedy for merit, so they can achieve great things. A promise made easily is bound to be broken. People who make promises easily rarely keep their promises, and people who take things too lightly will encounter many difficulties. Therefore, saints always imagine things to be more difficult, so there is nothing that cannot be solved in the end.
The related extension of "light commitment will lack trust, and the easier it is, the harder it will be"
If you want to solve a difficult problem, you must start from the easy time. To achieve great things, we must start from small things. Because the hard things in the world are easy to solve as soon as they appear. The major events in the world are insignificant at first. Therefore, saints are never greedy for merit, so they can achieve great things.
People who make promises easily rarely keep their promises, and people who take things too lightly will encounter many difficulties. Therefore, saints always imagine things to be more difficult, so there is nothing that cannot be solved in the end.