A pile of sand is loose, but when it is mixed with cement, stone and water, it is tougher than granite. Jie Wang
People should be ready to help others. Although the lotus is good, it needs green leaves to support it. Three stakes in a fence, three gangs in a hero-Mao Zedong.
I should not attribute all my works to my own wisdom, but to thousands of things and people outside me who provide me with materials. -Goethe
We know that individuals are weak, but we also know that the whole is strength. Marx
6. Only in the collective can individuals obtain the means to develop their talents in an all-round way, that is to say, only in the collective can they have personal freedom. -Marx and Engels
7. Scientists don't rely on individual thoughts, but integrate the wisdom of thousands of people. Everyone thinks about a problem, and everyone does part of the work and adds it to the great knowledge building being built. Rutherford
8. The scabbard protects the sharpness of the knife, but is satisfied with its dullness. Tagore
9. Workers' organization, discipline, perseverance and unity with workers all over the world are the guarantee of final victory. -Lenin
10. In order to fight, we must twist all our forces into a rope and concentrate on the same attack point. -Engels