Chengèyáng shàn is an idiom in China. "Zhouyi Judas" "Gentlemen stop evil and promote good, and live in harmony with heaven." It is a gentleman who seeks common ground while reserving differences, punishes evil and promotes good, so it is called great.
Bao Zheng is honest, upright and upright, independent and powerful, fair and wise, and dares to redress grievances for the people. Therefore, he is called "Bao Qingtian" and "Bao Gong", and there is a saying in Beijing that "Yamaraja will protect its old age if it can't reach unity". Later generations regarded him as a god, regarded him as the reincarnation of Kuixing, and was also called "Bao Qingtian" because of his black face image.
Ren Changxia, a native of Suixian County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, was an advanced figure in China police at the end of 20th century and the beginning of 20th century. He was once studied as an advanced model by the whole country. During his work, he was known as the "Goddess Police". She always put the people's sufferings and safety in mind and solved the control application case accumulated for more than ten years.
Wang Yitong has been in politics for more than 30 years and spent most of his time in patrol and supervision positions. No matter what power you exercise, you should report to the court or make suggestions, seeking truth from facts. It is not good to enforce the law by exercising his power, and everyone is afraid of his manners. He enforced the law impartially.
The famous saying of punishing evil and promoting good:
1, grateful heart, always indifferent, learned to be a man, kind feelings, always wronged, learned to give up, always have helpless feelings, always humble, the beginning of life, lost the understanding of life.
Kindness is the seed of happiness, and pain is the fruit of evil. However, such a simple rule of life is extremely complicated for us.
3, don't fight for beauty, don't fight for color, don't seek fame, don't seek profit, be quiet and kind, live a quiet life, and leave simple happiness in the fleeting time.
4. Bitterness and humor are two different things. Indifference and frankness are two different things. I can't interfere in your life, but I still want to advise you to be kind.
5. Keep my kindness and grow with me.