Confucius said: "Isn't it just right to learn and practice from time to time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it also a gentleman?"
Said: ": Are you being unfaithful to others? Are you not practicing? "
Confucius said: "You can be a teacher."
Confucius said: "Learn without thinking. If you don’t think about it, you will be in trouble.”
Confucius said: “You know it by teaching me! Knowing it means knowing it.”
Confucius said: “, Confucius said: "When you see someone who is not good, you must have a teacher."
He said: "The responsibility is heavy." The road is far away. Isn't it important to be benevolent? Isn't it too far to die?" Confucius said: "When the years are cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither."
Zigong asked: "Is there anything you can say that can be implemented throughout your life?" Confucius said: "Forgive me! Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."
1. I wish you were here. In a short period of study, you gain superb skills, tenacious will, and broad mind; like a horse racing, you jump over high hurdles one after another; let your life sail forward towards the turbulent blue sea!
2. God rewards hard work. There is no one who becomes a genius without hard work. May you work hard day and night and become successful as soon as possible!
3. Progress means that the goal is constantly moving forward, the stages are constantly updated, and the vision is constantly broadened. I wish you greater progress in the new year!
4. You are a small boat anchored in the port of youth. May you raise the sail of faith, carry the dream of hope, and sail to the vast ocean.
5. Smart people do tomorrow's things today; lazy people do yesterday's things today; confused people push yesterday's things to tomorrow. May you be a smart child! May you be the master of time!
6. Child, do you know? The moment you were born, your mother felt like the happiest person in the world!
7. Beauty is wisdom and tranquility. Wish you wisdom! May you make progress!
8. The beach of the sea of ??life in front of you is a golden manuscript. May you use the ideal glow to write the poems of youth on this boundless plain paper!