The King of Qi said to Meng Changjun, "I dare not treat the ministers of the former king as ministers." It is Xue's kingdom. A hundred miles ago, the people helped the old and took care of the young and welcomed you to the middle of the road. Meng Changjun pointed to Feng Xuan and said, "I saw what you did for culture and justice today." Feng Xuan said, "The sly rabbit has three caves, so we must avoid its dead ears. Today you have a cave, and you lie without a high pillow. Please dig two holes for you. "
Historical development:
Feng Xuan later said to Tian Wen, "The rabbit is very cunning. It has three caves, but now it just escaped from a dead end. You already have a cave, so I beg you to let me dig two more caves for you. "
Tian Wenci gave 50 chariots and 500 Jin of bronze wares, heading west for Wei. He said to Wei Huiwang, "The State of Qi ousted Minister Tian Wen and sent him back to the feudal city. Whoever welcomes him into the country first among the nations will be strong! " So Wei Huiwang gave up his superior position, made him a general, and sent messengers to hire Tian Wen with 1,000 kilograms of gold and 100 cars.
Feng Xuan drove the car back first and warned Tian Wen: "Daughters are very valuable interests. It is prudent to use a hundred times to show the intention of the messenger. Of course the King of Qi will know! " Ambassador Wei came to the customs several times and was refused entry. When the courtiers of Qi heard the news, both the ruling and the opposition were shocked. The King of Qi wrote a secret letter, sent a teacher with a sword and a tattoo car to make amends, and invited Tian Wen to come back as prime minister again. So Tian Wen returned to North Korea as prime minister (relying on foreign aid to re-enter the phase).
He also said, "I hope you can ask the King of Qi for the sacrificial vessels handed down from the previous king and build an ancestral temple in Xue." So King Qi Zhuo set up an ancestral temple in the snow. After the ancestral temple was completed, Feng Xuan returned to Meng Changjun: "The three holes have been built, so you can sit back and relax."
The people who left heard that Tian Wen had become prime minister again and came to see him again. Tian Wen was very angry and said to Feng Xuan, "When I lost power, they didn't help me, so they all ran away. Thanks to Mr. Wang's efforts, I was able to serve as Prime Minister again. How dare they come to see me again? If anyone comes to see me again, I will spit in his face and scold him. " Feng Xuan said, "You don't have to do this.
You need everyone's support when you are prime minister, but you can't drive away the guests in a rage. Then who will work for you? It is better to entertain them warmly as you did at the beginning, which also shows that your measurement is great. "Tian Wen said," I dare not listen to you? "
Tian Wen has been prime minister of Qi for several decades, and no disasters, big or small, have happened, all thanks to Feng Xuan's strategy and tactics.