Meditation is a lifelong gift. You can come to me anytime. I think this is a great thing.
- Paul McCartney
Meditation is admitted. This is life within us, without us and all of us. Acceptance of life is the beginning of human satisfaction. Life transformation is the climax of divine satisfaction.
- Sri Chinmoy
You will find peace not by rearranging life's circumstances, but by realizing who you are at your deepest level.
-Eckhart Tolle
Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal happiness. So meditate, meditate.
- Swami Sivananda
Many people can benefit from meditation.
- Jim Yong Kim
I meditate. Meditation helps me.
- Rick Springfield
Meditation is listening to the Divinity within.
- Edgar Cayce
When you show up in the morning, think of the precious privilege of being alive - breathing, thinking, loving.
- Marcus Aurelius
There is no point worrying about things you cannot control because there is nothing you can do about them. Why worry about things you can control? The activity of worrying makes you unable action.
- Wayne Dyer
Like, imagine ripples in the ocean. And I'm in a rowboat, reacting to waves and water entering my boat. What I need to do is dive into a deeper level of comfort, a peace beneath the surface.
- Dr. Oz
Tranquility is not about being free from wind and rain, but about finding peace in the midst of wind and rain.
——S.A. Jefferson-Wright
(The above text is taken from the Internet)
In short, meditation can help us maintain physical and mental health, improve cognitive abilities, and upgrade Quality of life.
We must have confidence and perseverance. It is best to practice continuously under the guidance of experienced teachers to ensure the most satisfactory results.