Filial piety is the first of all virtues, and filial piety is the foundation; the kindness of heaven and earth will never be forgotten, and it takes root in the heart; the blood flow continues, and mountains and rivers are renewed every year; Chinese filial piety is the virtue passed down to the later generations; Chinese filial piety is the virtue passed down to the later generations; Later people.
The name of the family heirloom left by our ancestors is filial piety, which has kept us warm in winter and spring for many years and generations. It has left its mark on China over the years. It has been passed down through ups and downs for five thousand years from ancient times to the present. The ancestors left behind a saying The words talk about filial piety. How much affection and love are given to children and grandchildren. It flows along the blood and heats the hearts of innocent people. The love between flesh and blood is the truest for five thousand years. Filial piety is the first of all virtues. Filial piety is the foundation. The kindness of heaven and earth will never be forgotten. The roots are rooted in the heart, and the blood flows continuously. The mountains and rivers are renewed with each passing year. Chinese filial piety is a virtue passed down to future generations.