Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as people with perseverance can do it. This famous saying is my motto in life, because it has inspired me a lot in my study and life.
What impressed me deeply was that it inspired me to kick shuttlecock. I immediately panicked when I heard that I was going to kick shuttlecock in the physical education exam last semester in grade five. Because I was not good at kicking shuttlecock since I was a child, I could only kick two or three shuttlecocks at a time, but I had to pass the physical education exam 17. Seventeen is an astronomical number to me. At this time, I can only smile. Playing seventeen badminton at a time is just a piece of cake for students of the same age who love to play badminton, but it is not easy for me who can only play more than ten badminton at a time. So, I just ignored it. When my mother saw me like this, she said, "Nothing is difficult for a willing mind. Have you forgotten this famous saying? " After my mother reminded me, I made a plan for myself, which said that I would practice kicking shuttlecock in the sports center for 30 to 40 minutes every day after school. Two weeks later, I couldn't believe it myself. I can kick 25 times at most! By the time the exam came, my heart was pounding. Even so, I actually kicked out 29 good grades. Finally, I exceeded my expectations, passed the exam and got full marks.
This famous saying has benefited me for life.