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Zigong asked: "Which one is wiser, Master or Shang?" Confucius said: "The master is too good, but the Shang is not as good as him." He said: "But the master is better?" p>
No storm lasts forever. As expected, it becomes too much for us if it lasts, so we need to stop it in moderation. ◎Wen Yiduo's "The Self-Redemption of Palace Style Poems"
Proverb: If a gun shoots the first bird,
if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent. In other words, those who behave above others will definitely reject it;
Tiger dies from skin, bear dies from palm, deer dies from antlers, elephant dies from tusks;
Water becomes clear. If there are no fish, there will be no disciples.
The German philosopher Nietzsche said: "Don't stay on the plains, and don't climb too high. The world looks the most beautiful when you look down from half a height."
The Doctrine of the Mean is profound but not lofty and distant, close at hand; elegant but not vulgar, approachable; refined but not unfamiliar, practiced in ancient and modern times.
Proverb: If you shoot the first bird with a gun,
If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent; if you walk higher than others, the crowd will reject them. < /p>
The German philosopher Nietzsche said: "Don't stay on the plains, and don't climb too high. The world looks the most beautiful when you look down from half a height."
Moderate, profound and Not lofty and distant, but close at hand; elegant but not unconventional, approachable; sophisticated but not strange, practiced in ancient and modern times.
No storm lasts forever. As expected, it becomes too much for us if it lasts, so we need to stop it in moderation. ◎Wen Yiduo's "The Self-Redemption of Palace Style Poems"
Zigong asked: "Which one is wiser, the master or the merchant?" Confucius said: "The master is better than the master, but the merchant is not as good as him.
Said: "Then the master will be healed?" "Confucius said: "To go too far is not enough."