1. Remember that you will eventually die, and this is the best way I know to avoid falling into the trap of thinking “I’ve lost something in life.” You're already naked, so there's no reason not to let your mind wander.
2. It’s really hard to design products by focusing on group needs. Many times, people don’t know what they want until you show them the product you designed.
3. One of my mottos is focus and simplicity. Simplicity is more difficult than complexity, and you have to work hard to keep your thinking clear enough to simplify.
4. You can’t connect the dots in advance, you can only connect them in retrospect. To do this, you have to be confident that the dots will be connected in some way in the future. You have to trust something, like your gut, destiny, life, karma, etc. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life.
5. Your work occupies a large part of your life, and the only way to achieve true satisfaction is to believe that the work you are doing is great enough. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't realized this yet, then keep looking and don't stop. As long as you work hard, you'll know when you've found it. And like any great connection, it gets better and better over time. So make sure you keep looking until you find it.
6. Whether I can become the richest person in the cemetery is of no importance to me. More importantly, when I go to bed at night, I can say: We accomplished something wonderful today.
7. I believe that if you do something great, you should do something else great. Don’t linger on the previous thing for too long and think about what to do next.
8. Innovation comes from people meeting each other in the hallway, or inspiration popping up while talking to each other on the phone at 10:30 at night, or because they realize that something solves the problem we are thinking about. . It's like an impromptu meeting of 6 people. Someone thinks he's come up with the coolest thing ever, and he wants to know what everyone else thinks of his idea.
9. Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. Once again, the heavy burden of success was replaced by the relaxed mentality of a new entrepreneur. It made me feel free and propelled me into the most creative phase of my life.
10. When I was 17 years old, I read this famous saying: "If you treat every day as the last day of your life, one day you will succeed." This sentence It left such an impression on me that for the 33 years since then I have looked in the mirror almost every morning and asked myself this question: "If today were the last day of my life, what would I do today?" thing?” If the answer is no for multiple days in a row, I know I need to change something.
11. I want the world to marvel at me!
12. The difference between leaders and followers is innovation!
13. My role models in business are The Beatles. The four of them have always adhered to a tradition of monitoring each other's bad tendencies. They balance each other out, and the power of the collective is always greater than what can be achieved individually. I have a similar sentiment in business: the great achievements achieved by an enterprise are never accomplished by one person, but are the result of the collaboration of many people.
14. Joining a pirate is better than becoming a navy!
15. Sometimes, when you innovate, you may make mistakes. You're better off admitting your mistake right away and moving on to improve other innovations.