"You are only in your twenties, and you have many opportunities to be what you want to be." I think this sentence should be the most inspiring and moving sentence I think. It is also because of this sentence that I gave up my job in a state-owned enterprise, which everyone thought was particularly good at the beginning, and returned home. Although my present life is not what I wanted, I fought hard for it at the beginning. I think life will never be unkind to a hardworking person. I think I am only in my twenties, and I have the ability and qualification to be the person I want to be.
I think this time last year should be my saddest time, because I majored in engineering in college, and the nature of my work was to follow the engineering team. At first, I had a good little friend, and we were sisters who shared weal and woe, but then she couldn't stand such an environment at first and decided to go home. After she left, another girl came. That girl should be what we call a typical green tea bitch. When she first came, she didn't like me, so she used various means to let the boys crowd me out. At that time, I was really depressed. I didn't know what I had done wrong and why she didn't like me.
When I think about it later, maybe I don't like someone for no reason. Maybe she wants all the boys to be around her, and I'm the extra one. At that time, I caught up with my ex-boyfriend and wanted to break up with me at that time, because the two of us were never in the same city, and everyone felt very tired. At that time, there were still some bad things at home, and my mood fell to the extreme. For a while, I didn't know which thing I should be sad about.
It was not until later that I read this sentence. You are only in your twenties, and you have many opportunities to be what you want to be. Yes, I was only in my twenties, and I took a wrong road. I had the opportunity to choose to start all over again. Why should I stick to the wrong road? At that time, I was already very tired of life on the construction site, so I made a decision to go home and take the civil service exam, because all I wanted was a job from eight to five with Saturdays and Sundays, and all I wanted was a job with my family and friends around me.
My life is actually not good now. Sometimes I feel that I was too impulsive to make this decision, but every time I think of this sentence, I am motivated again. I have the opportunity to be what I want to be. I don't want to live my life so mediocre. Why should I do this? I'm not 7 years old and 8 years old, and I have no chance to choose again. Since I have chosen some roads, I will kneel down.