"The Vampire Diaries" is an American fantasy and horror film adapted by director Marcos Siega based on the best-selling series of novels of the same name by American female writer L.J. Smith, starring Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, etc. Starring.
Classic lines from "The Vampire Diaries"
1.I am fine.we are both fine.That's what matters.
I am fine. We're all okay. That's what matters most.
2.I met a girl. We talked.That was epic...
I met a girl. Our chat is as romantic as poetry. . .
3.I know the risk,but I have to know her.
I know it is dangerous, but I have to know her.
4.Anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me
You can only die in my hands
5.This morning is...different. This morning... is very different
. there is change. i can sense it, feel it differently
feel it. feel it
stefan: i'm awake. I'm awake
for the first time in a long time, I feel completely and undeniably wide awake . Totally true
for once,i don't regret the day before it begins. This time I don't regret the fading of dawn
i welcome the day. .. I welcome the day
both: because i know... Because I know...
stefan: i will see her again. I will see her again
i will see him again. I will see him again.
for the first time in a long time, I feel good. feel relaxed Pleasure
6. For over a century, I have lived in secret. For over a century, I have lived in secret.
7. I will start fresh. I will start over and be a brand new self.
8. I Pdict this year is going to be kick ass. I predict this year will be a great year
Kick ass has 3 meanings: 1. Give to someone Click on the color to see, 2. flattering 3. amazing, very awesome (this should be the third meaning, which means that this year will be wonderful)
9. Hawt-e staring @ u The handsome guy is looking at you
10. I'm good. means "No, thank you?"
11. She took my breath away. She fascinated me.
12. major lack of male real estate
13. She?s a dead ringer for Katherine. (She is exactly the same as Katherine)
dead ringer fixed phrase ph. A person who looks exactly the same; something that looks exactly the same
14. There?re rings and then there?s that. (E said S’s ring is special)
15. He has that romance novel stare. His eyes are deep
16. I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life. I will never touch a car again for the rest of my life.
17. I am cool with it. I am very satisfied with it
18 why didn't he go for me? Why didn't he like me?
19.I make the deal, I keep a deal.