You can add notes and comments by holding down the text and then dragging your finger on the screen to select it.
To mark the next page, drag your finger to the lower right corner of the screen to turn the page. You can always drag multiple.
This page is marked.
To mark the previous page, drag your finger to the upper left corner of the screen to turn the page. You can always drag multiple.
This page is marked.
After selecting a size, if you want to edit the size range, press and hold the handles at the beginning and end of the size content, and then drag to.
Ideal location. For most device languages, handles only appear when you select two or more words.
If you want to add a comment, select a single word, multiple words or sentences, and then click Comment. Other options
Including tagging selected text, sharing with friends through Kindle and Goodreads on other social networks, and searching electronic information.
Books, search all texts, or search the Kindle store. Click the menu on the Options Bar to see more options, packages.
Including opening dictionaries and reporting content errors. You can also swipe different cards to view X-ray themes (if any) and dictionaries.
Definitions, Wikipedia entries, and options for translating selected words.
Comments will appear in text with numbers. Next time you visit this page, please click on the corresponding number to view the corresponding comments. you can
Click Start on the secondary toolbar, and then click Notes to view all notes and comments. Distance from you
The list first shows the notes and comments with the latest reading position. You can also click the menu and select a pen.
Take notes to view notes.
If more than one Kindle user marks a specific paragraph on the e-book you read, the paragraph will be marked as.
Underline. To unmark this type, click the shortcut on the toolbar, and then select all settings.
Click Reading Options on the Settings page, go to Notes and About Books, and then modify the Hot Tags settings.
Settings. You can also display the notes and notes of other readers you follow. such as
To turn off this option, click the shortcut on the toolbar, and then select all settings. On the settings page
Click the reading options, go to Notes and About Books, and then change the settings of Public Notes. Note: and
Not all countries or regions support the "hot tag" or "public comment" function.
To export your notes and notes, open your Kindle ebook, click the menu icon and select a pen.
Remember. This will show all the notes of a book. Click the Export Annotation button. If you need to send notes and notes.
To send it to an email bound to an Amazon account, click the Send button.
Notes and notes are saved in a file named "My Clips" in the library. Enable Whispersync books and
After the step, the content will be stored in the cloud, not afraid of being lost. To manage Whispersync book synchronization, click
Shortcuts on the toolbar, and then select all settings. On the Settings page, select Device Selection.
Project, advanced options, Whispersync book synchronization.